It all goes down in flames...

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Night had come for the town as it always does and the people turn in for the night. People closing down shops and it all falls quiet in the town. Children falling asleep in their beds no one expecting a thing. No one sensing the impending danger, or the one human man lurking in the darkness. Zepheria slept wrapped up in her blankets comfortably, her mother staying up late at her desk at home signing off documents.

-unknown human man pov-

The human man that lurked in the darkness had one goal that he was assigned. And he had every intention of seeing it through straight and seeing it done properly. He stayed hidden in the bushes in the tree line and waited for everything to go quiet before setting out on his task. He went to the nearest armory and signaled for his other male partner to do the same before they both lit them on fire. They ran back to they're large caravan group and told them that the job was done.

The large caravans leader was a well-known slave trader named Klemens and he had his sights on the Vieirians. He knew that the Vieirians were immortal and therefore possessed great knowledge and wisdom. Not only that but incredible strength, speed, dexterity, and agility. Which made them perfect for slaves of war, blacksmith, and many more possibilities. But he didn't care about any of that he only cared about how high of a price and how much gold he could get for even just one.

These facts only made him even more determined as he smirked. He gave his men the order to attack and they did, they stormed the town with their weapons drawn and spells ready as they set fire to the town. Causing the people of Naikiyoma to scream and cry out in pain as they scrambled and grabbed their weapons to fight back against the raiders and caravaners. Homes burned down and blood was spilled, bodies filled the grounds below their feet. Smoke and ash filled the air making the Vieirians and even the caravaners cough.

- Zepheria and her mothers pov-

The screams and cries alerted Zepheria's mother to the raid as she geared up and grabbed her two twin katanas and her bow, she rushed out to join in the fight against the raiders and caravaners. The screams awoke Zepheria as well as she rushed out of her room just in time to see the tail end of her mother's flowing dress exit the front door. Zepheria was already taught and trained by her mother on what to do in a situation like this if such a situation were to arise, that she was to asses the situation and either run or hide. She ran back into her room and grabbed her mini dagger set and attached it to her waist over top of her baggy long sleeve nightdress. And bravely sneaked to the door to asses the situation she peeked around the front door frame to see her homeland ablaze in fire and blood.

Silent tears slid down her cheeks but she shook her head and wiped them away clearing her head so she could focus. Crying will be saved once she was safe, but a dark shadow loomed over her and she soon saw nothing but black......

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