Chapter 1

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-30 years later -
-early morning-

"SOLD!!" , yells a deep voice beside me making my already sore ears flinch back. My vision was blacked out by a thick cloth and the cold feel of  the metal cuffs around my wrist was uncomfortable. But I kept my mouth shut, I knew to keep my mouth shut its the same as last time and the time before that. My name is Zepheria Adythera(ADY-THERA) only child of Fierya Adythera and currently a sold slave...once again. I heard footsteps to the left of me and then a sudden pull on the chain attached to my cuffs.

I followed silently my back still straight, my head somewhat low trying to judge with my ears to get an idea on who bought me. The shuffling of feet and low angle on which my chain was being tugged suggested someone a bit smaller than me and either lazy has a limp or is old. But that's as far as I can take my little game of guess who with all these smells and sounds around me. I followed this mysterious buyer unwillingly by the pull of the chain for quite a while till we stopped. I felt cold, pruned and slightly dried fingers take hold around my wrist and then a loud clank could be heard.

My ears flickered as I heard the cuffs fall to the ground, my head tilted in confusion as I pulled off the blindfold around my eyes. An old lady looking to be mid 50 to late 60's was hunched slightly over a wooden cane that was intricately designed with carvings. She wore what appeared to be a deep dark blue long sleeved, barely touching the floor plain dress. With a knitted dark green shawl around her shoulders. She smiled at me as I looked around in confusion, "I understand your confused dear, but we must quickly leave if you are to be truly free.", she said in a dry but gentle and caring voice. I was still confused but nodded anyway she was after all my buyer, so I followed her as she walked out of town through the alleyways. We eventually made our way to a dirt road exiting the village with me still walking behind the old lady making sure she didnt fall....or worse.

The old lady continued to walk along the dirt path slowly but with confident steps letting her cane guide the way. I flicked my tail slighty when I dared to ask her," May I ask where we are going?", she smiled and said,"I am setting you free, we are currently heading to my home near the Highland Woods so I can give you nessecities for which you can travel.""Why? Why go through all this trouble to do this for me?" I asked her confused. "When I was a little girl it was your people that saved me and my mother from wolves when we were out picking mushrooms and berries in the woods, I am returning the favor.",she said fondly. "My people? I look nothing like my people.", I say slightly upset. "You have their unique and gorgeous white hair that looks like freshly fallen snow and the build of a human.", she says in a calm tone. I stay silent after that knowing that I cant fight that statement, the Vieirians are we'll known for their naturally white silky hair while also looking the most humanoid.

We continue to walk well into the evening with a few breaks till we  reach an old house, in the back was a large garden and the front of the house had a few rose bushes pressed against the building.

We walked up and into the warm and cozy house, me of course holding the door for the the old lady. She walked in and sat down in a rocking chair by a window while I grabbed a chair and sat across from her. The old lady continued, "Besides child I may be old but I can still tell your not a normal neko or a fox since they are a smaller breed than a Vieirian." 'Touchee'', I thought to myself. "So, I want to return the favor for what your people did for me, and give you the freedom to travel and find purpose in your life and perhaps even answers." She says staring out the window. I nod in understanding even though she probably didnt see it."I have some old clothes of mine that should fit you and I'm sure you can manage something to cover your ears and tail I imagine.", she said while motioning towards what appears to be a basement door.

I nod and thank her, making my way to the door and going into the basement. I managed a small basic fire summoning in my left hand using it as a light in the basement. As I rummage through boxes and find a pair of traveling pants and long sleeve shirt. Along with a jacket, snapsack(or traveling back pack), traveling boots and a few scarves. I dress in the clothes and shoes, and proceed to wrap one scarf around my neck and the other around ears to hide them. I then wrap a large sweater around my waist to hide my tail till I leave to a safer area.

I braid my hair and then grab the traveling backpack and head upstairs putting out the fire spell when I exit the basement and close the door behind me. The old lady looks at me and nods approvingly and says,"good the ears and tail are hidden, grab and wrap up some bread and cheese along with a pot and the bow and arrows along with the sword above the mantle." I do as I'm told and when I'm done she says,"good now you can eat here for a while and sleep by the fire place till tomorrow , or set out now and possibly make it to the next town by the time the suns hidden for the next day." I chose the wiser plan and stayed for the night just to be safer than sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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