But you would remove it again if you could

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The only thing I could hear for my ears was the sound of my heart hammering. The snow felt like knives stabbing my head.  His hands were pressing my head against the snow. My face felt like it was burning. 

" You stupid bitch." He screamed. I could feel the warm blood on my lip and the smell of iron in my nose. His arm pulled me up by the arm. His grip was hurting me. "You have no idea how much you hurt me when you left me. " I looked into his green eyes, there was only hurt in them. He helped me up. My bare feet were freezing standing. I was half-naked in the snow. He started touching and caressing my face, but each stroke sent down shivers down my spine.  He looked at me with those sad green eyes. For a second he looked like a little boy. " Why did you leave me?" I tried to open my mouth, but I couldn't. When I finally got control over my mouth, the words just didn't want to get out. I felt like my voice had turned to ice. " Answer me!" He screamed at me and threw me down into the ice again. I landed harshly on the ice underneath me. All the air in my lungs disappeared. "Answer me !" He screamed started to hammer my head against the ice again and again. Black spots were slowly starting to be in front of my eyes.  No words came from my mouth. He continued screaming at me to answer him. My sight was swimming in front of my eyes. His hands went down to my throat and he started strangling me. I could feel the air leave my lungs. I tried fighting back, but it didn't help. I could slowly feel how my sight was slowly turning black. 

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