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Hi there! This is about spinel the little bean falling for the reader!

After watching the movie my new favorite character was spinel. She adorable and she just wants so love after being abandoned by pink/rose for 6000 years. I kinda look at pink/rose a little more harshly because of that, and I mean WHY?!?! Did you do that to her?!?!

Anyways I just want to give a warning that this may contain spoilers to the Steven Universe Movie cause this will be during the movie. So if you haven't already watched it, I suggest that you watch it first then read this.

Also some other things to know:

(Y/n) your name

(F/f) favorite food

(F/n) favorite color

(F/fr) favorite flavor

(F/fl) favorite flower

I might add more

Info about character

(Y/n) is a 15 year old girl with a 18 year old step brother who live together alone at a 2 story home/bakery. She also has 2 mysterious birth marks on her body. one on her left eye and one on her back. She is shy at first and is a bit energetic. when being around close friends she hides behind them since she is a shy potato. She loves music, to dance, draw, and cook. But she hates being alone and is very emotional.

I maybe add more on the way

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