Your new best friend!

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-{last time}-

Then the Crystal gems came running towards her as me and Steven tried to stop them.

  " Ooooooootheeerr~"

Then she launched herself towards them slice them in half.



Me and Steven stared in shock as her just poofed the gems. Then Steven got really angry and yelled. " That's enough!" And got out his shield. " Gaw, what the matter Steven? Miss your friends already?" The gem said in a playful tone.

" Well don't worry, YOUR RIGHT BEHIND THEM!" The gem stretched over and hit him with her scythe and broke his shield. Pink lines were all over his body but he paused a bit before all of the lines disappear.

Checking himslef he chuckled nervously " that was nothing!" The gem smiled " then you won't mind if I DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AH HAHAHA!" the gem hit him multiple times before Steven grabbed the scythe stoping the gem. " Cut it out!" Steven yelled at the gem as she laughed.

" You don't poof do you? Hmm figured this much. BUT just wait! Your human half and your little friend won't stand a chance against my injector! Not after what I just did to your gem~"

" What are you talking about?" Steven asked. " You weren't always a powerful hero now were you?" The gem laughed as Steven got a hold of the scythe slice her side ways as she poofed into a pink cloud and all that was left of her was her gem.

Steven sat down put the scythe down as the pink light went away as he sighed. " Better bubble you before anything else happens." He said as he made a bubble but it popped? What.

" What? Where's my bubble?" He said in disbelief as I ran towards him. He tried again with all of his strength but it popped. Sweat dropped down his face as he tried to regain his breath.

" Hey are you ok?! You look like you gotten the living daylight out of you!" I told him.

Looked back at me " yeah I'm fine, but sometimes wrong with my gem." Lifting up his shirt to reveal his gem. It was glowing strangely. " I have no idea what's going on. But for now let's bring the gems to the temple, including that one" he said pointing to the heart shaped gem.

" Ok, I'll grab the heart gem as you grab the others." I told him as he nodded in approvement as he went to grab the others. I went over to the mysterious gem and grabbed it with my hands. Surprisingly it was kinda warm, maybe from the fight. I'm mean if I did that I might get hot from all of that rapid movements.

i held it close to my chest afraid to let it go and drop it for some weird reason.

~ Spinel POV ~

As the so called 'Steven' grabbed the rejuvenator, he sliced me side ways, laughing as I went into darkness. Finally...I can forget those hurtful memories and can make new ones! Then light appeared.

Who am I? OH! I know! I'm a spinel! I just gotta get my energy all up then I can meet my BEST FRIEND! Hehehehehe! I can't wait! To meet my best friend! Then I felt something touch my gem. Gasp! Best friend! It's best friend! Oh come on now energy hurry up already! My best friend must be waiting for me to appear! As the light got brighter and my body reformed, I wrapped my hands around my best friend! And launched myself towards them." Yippee! I'm so excited to meet you!" I said to best friend. " Your not mad at us?" A boy next to best friend asked. " Mad? Why would I be mad at my... BEST FRIEND! hehehe!"

~ (Y/n) POV earlier~

We were at the temple waiting for the gems reform when Greg busted through the door. " Steven! (Y/n)! I came fast as I could! Holy! S-s-she really got everybody! Is that her?" Greg asked pointing to the heart shaped gem that was in my hands.
" Yeah that's her, why are you holding it (Y/n)?" Steven said. " Well...I kinda feel like I need to protect it with my life. Even though she just tried to kill us." I said nervously as Steven sighed shaking his head.
" But who?" Greg asked. " No idea"

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