Chapter 20: Faded

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Laurent woke up with a pounding headache.  I shouldn't have had that last drink.  His legs felt super heavy, but he needed to go take a leak.  He tugged off the mound of covers then recoiled in shock.

Oh mon Dieu!  There was something down there.  Correction.  There was somebody down there.

A frizzy head with a Mohawk popped out from under the sheets followed by chest and arms.

"Hey, there."  She yawned and sat up on her knees smiling.  It was Cinnamon.

"What the—? Why are you—?"  Laurent had lost the ability to complete a sentence.  He stared at her in total disbelief.

"What's the matter, babe?"

"Did we do something?"  He had no memory of ever touching her.  But then again he didn't have a memory of how he got from the club to his hotel room either.  She had all her clothes on though, so maybe nothing happened.  He hoped.

"Actually you didn't do anything.  I did all the work."  She licked her lips.  "Too bad you don't remember.  I was awesome."

"Damn."  Laurent rubbed his hands over his face in a panic.

Cinnamon fell over into his lap laughing.  "I'm kidding.  Calm down, man.  Nothing happened.  You were kinda faded, but Larry wasn't ready to leave the party yet.  So I came back to the hotel with you and we crashed.  That's it.  I swear."

"That was so not funny."  He pushed her off him then got up and went into the bathroom.

"Lighten up. I have no idea how I got under here."  She wrapped the comforter around her head like a hood jokingly then threw it off, stood up, and stretched.  "You probably kicked me to the bottom of the bed.  Did you know you sleep like a wild animal?"

The toilet flushed and Laurent reappeared with the sour face, still pissed off at her shenanigans.  He couldn't ignore her games anymore.  He knew she was trying him.

"You need to leave."

"What?  Why?  Are you serious?"

"Just go, Cin.  I"ll talk to you later."

"Why are you acting like this?  I'm the one who looks out for you around here.  Your ass should be grateful!"

"You don't look out for me.  Only my brother looks out for me.  But you say I should be grateful?  Okay."   Laurent snatched open the hotel room door.  "Thank you. Bye!"

"Forget you, Lau!"  She gave him the finger and marched out.  The hall was empty with the exception of a few other girls doing the walk of shame.

Larry heard Laurent's voice and Cinnamon's yelling and stuck his head out from his room to see what was up.  She breezed past him without speaking.

"What's wrong with her?"  Larry frowned.

Laurent rolled his eyes and shook his head.  "Don't worry about it."

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