Soapy lil mess

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My hand run under that steamy water. I can't help but realize how the water drips all over the sink. The water slowly would fall and disappear into the dark and unknown drain of wonders. Along with the wonder drain there was a brown little display bar that displayed this emerald green figure, so bright so elegant as the smooth texture glistened in the metal reflection of the sink handle and noosle. that was when I decided to wash my hands, for the very first time I grabbed the green slippery soap bar and washed my hand thoroughly and a bit roughly to clean those putrid germs, and man did it feel good to know I wasn't diseased anymore. I was too late when I felt my grip loosen from around the emerald green gem as it fell gracefully onto the unclean polished granite floor. It went under my sink, under the little stub that was never cleaned. I then stuck my hand into the dark and unknown and retrieved the lustful bar of soup and decided to wash all the dirt and debris away. Suddenly a bubble appeared. This bubble had a smudge of brown and black, it was a dirty bubble, one of the dirtiest I have ever seen in Maycomb County.

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