Bübbłé BûstëR

35 2 0

7 years later

It was the first day of July and I could feel the sun shine into my room and the dust laying all over my room. After the whole bubble incident I caught feelings and I was confused so I ran, I ran away. I'm practically living in a dark forest- a sound of shredding interrupts my thought process. I saw the droplets of water clear as day appear on my little glass window. The time was coming

I ducked as fast as possible and shielded the window from sight as I moved the curtain from the side of the latch so that the room went dark. I felt it's presence close to my front door as I realize that I didn't lock the front gates. I heard the sound I was dreading the most. A popping sound that continued to ring in my ears. I knew what was to come. I then saw my last bit of hope for life. I ran and disguised my body under my bed. It was then when I heard the front door latch get unhooked and I knew that I was for sure a goner. My front door creeked open and the light and rain from outside came inside my mini house. That's when I saw it, that beautifully dirty little bubble. That face, that one face of an angel. But for all I knew he was a devil in disguise. I knew he was but his little pointy smile and his big eyes and dirty aroma filled the room. I was captivated and I couldn't get out. At least not now.

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