Chapter Ten

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17 until deadline

Roman's POV
I was woken up by a large bang i instantly got out of my room to see

Remus and that guy with a gun then Virgil woke up since he was walking while rubbing his eyes once he was done his face turned from calm to terror and anger i looked around to see there was no island nearby just water so i was very confused emily,patton and logan then came with remy last then i heard someone yell


A gun shot i looked around to see no one injured then looked at remus and the other guy they was just standing there  smirking creepily then i casted a blinding spell that would last for 2 minutes then i whispered to everyone to turn into there warrior forms while Virgil said what to say it and not even a minute later l we heard another gun shot then i looked around to see




I ran to him and saw the wound he was still sitting somehow, i went to question it but before i could his eyes glowed yellow then it went dark for 10 seconds then i saw remus and the other guy tied up with vines then i saw Virgil near a plant it looked like an Allicus but it was purple and it glowed (insert a color becuse author was too lazy to come up with a color to put in here) then, it bloomed then patton ran to it cutted it from it's stem then said

"Rehtomay retemday htiway sihtay tnalpay exhangeay itay htiway ligrivsay feliay"

(Mother demeter with this plant exchange it with virgils life)

Then the flower dissapered and i just noticed that virgil's wound dissapered. Patton then explained what he learned which was that that plant was a garden bloom demeter's davorite flower and also that if you make an offering with demeter she would grant it to you but if you don't really need it she would not grant it to you but since a garden bloom is so rare people build their houses near one so when one dies they would bring it back to life.

************ le time skip ************
16 days until deadline
Logan's POV
So we got rid of the bad guys the went to sleep when we woke up ate breakfast then we saw Virgil is still asleep and it is 9:30 am now he slept an extra 3 hours and we only slept an extra 2 and a half hours so we left him considering he was shot on the side

//////////// when Virgil woke up ///////////////

We were looking at the map trying to figure out the best way on how to get to thalia's tower quickly when a door opened we tuened our backs to see Virgil awake, patton went and in hugged him tightly but stopped hugging him when he said "ow patton you know my side still hurts " "sorry Virgil" patton replied then Virgil went in to eat after that we all discussed what to do when we get to thalia's tower then we agreed on roman's plan which was go in there in our the form lupina gave us or as he call it warrior form find out what to do then get out alive then figure out what to do next and believe me i did not agree to it but the other four did

(BTW remy and emile is a deep sleeper since reason no. 1 remy is hypnos's son which is the god of sleep and emile need's a lot of sleep since the spell he used was very powerfull)

Virgil trained me for four hours and i mastered almost all of the spells in athena's book because some of them were to easy then i drove the ship while Virgil trained the others. I looked at the map then counted how many days or hours will the journey take without rest and breaks then the one with rest and breaks, the one without rest and
breaks takes about three days and the one with rest and breaks will take about four to five days depending how long the breaks will be. After Virgil was done training them all including Emile and Remy i stopped the ship then told the others what should we do then they said the one with breaks so they could train and defeat whoever we were fighting after this i went back and drove the ship to thalia's tower which will be a long journey


A/N sorry i did not post yesterday i was running out of ideas and motivation i was supposed to post tommorow but my anxiety got the best of me and said i needed to post this now so i did anyways bye guys also thank you for 18 reads in my (garbage) book i appereciate it bye

816 words

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