iii | kenji.

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hey B) i know you guys are getting all our letters late BWABWABWABWA IF YOU GUYS THINK YOURE GOOD AT PROCRASTINATING MEET US.

i dont necessarily have to explain myself to any of you (im perfect bwa) but im here to say some stuff anyway. SOOOO I MET YOU GUYS ABOUT A FEW MONTHS BACK, AND WEVE BEEN WORKING THROUGH THIS LIFE TOGETHER EVER SINCE. i know i ghost a LOT (an understatement) but i DO love you guys since youre all really special and important in your own ways and my heart has always had places only for each of you.

im not necessarily an affectionate person by any means and rarely ever show anyone love but ive always meant it when i tell any of you that i love you, with my entire heart actually. what surprises me is how willing you all are, you dont push, you dont hold back, youre there when needed and youre all people who will do anything for their loved ones. somehow in this world thats come to be a rare trait so i admire all you clowns. would be so much better if it was irl though, I HATE TEXTING COME STAY WITH ME BITCH thats also one of the reasons i ghost. B)

ive heard of family without the dna and i think ive found mine. you guessed it, its you guys. im not by any means a poetic person but youre all BEAUTIFUL (insert some awesome description of some poet talking about aphrodite and × it by four) and ADORABLE and so different. good different. ahaaaa i d k how to show affection B( i just know that whenever i wake up first thing i do is make sure youre all okay and isnt that something? FUCK YES IT IS, youre all so great man like eeeeeeep. youve never judged me (or any of us) in ANY way like fr, youve accepted every flaw theres ever been and you wont ever see what we do but youre all adorable little girls who weve been blessed with. LIKE YOUVE CHANGED SO MUCH, you still do. refusing to give up on any of us, youve stuck to us and never let us walk away, telling us to stop being ugly and stay where we are instead. youve brought some of us back from dark places, you have some of us in love, you will never understand how much we love you and vice verse maybe.

so yeah from me thats it, no matter how annoying youll get i promise to be here for you all because i found yall here for me when i needed yall B) LOVE YOU GUYS <3


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