He washed his face five times, brushed his teeth three times and combed his hair ten times.

Ironed his clothes, shined his shoes, made sure that everything was absolutely flawlessly as he splashed ten different odors under his armpits.

His grandmother made the dish the previous night, he requested her to do so because she was an excellent cook and he wanted everything to be perfect.

He left the cafeteria and searched for her in her usual place, nestling under an oak tree, eating the food that she ate every single day.

Chicken and noddle soup

His hands were sweating, his legs felt heavy, and the temperature was ten degrees higher than before, but she didn't notice, she rarely did, and that was a good thing.

His pulse pounded painfully against his temples, his stomach churned with nausea, and he asked himself a very important meaningful question.

'what the fuck am I supposed to do now ?'

He was standing in the middle of the garden, obviously staring at her. She wasn't looking in his direction, her head was buried in the bowl between her lap.

she nibbled the chicken greedily, ripping flesh from bone, and dumping them on the ground before devouring her next victim.

They always said that she eats like a savage barbarian maniac, but his eyes were only witnessing a goddess.

She slurped the soup noisily like a vacuum, causing the birds on the tree to storm Away, and dumped the bowl on the ground with a satisfied sigh, her hands rubbing her flat stomach as she declared that she was full  to no one in particular.

His feets were dugged in their place, his body refused to move. And his gaze unwavering. 

'what the fuck am I doing?'

He was supposed to give her the chicken and the noodle soup his grandmother had made, since she liked them so much, and maybe have a nice talk and maybe get the balls and ask her out

But all heasok plans had vanished as he realised how impossible it really was in  reality.

His brains begged him to retreat but his body froze, the only proof that he was still alive was his hammering heart thudding so rapidly, so furiously beneath his ribs

And finally, she looked at him. Glared rather, as she got up from the ground and strode toward him.

She was utterly small, her figure fragile as a tiny bird, barely reaching his shoulder, as her angry brown eyes examined him.

His lips moved, but no sound got out.  She was waiting for an explanation, obviously. Why the hell was he standing there watching her eat like a dame creep, he better not be stalking her, or she'd gladly kick his ass.

She stared at him with her dark brown eyes, and he was absurdly lost in them. So brown They made him feel as if he was lost in a desert, under the scorching sun, his feets burning, his palms dry, sweat drenching his back, and a wave of cool breeze running through his skin as the goddess eyes were momentarily hidden under her long eyelashes, before he could recover by their mesmerising spill, they glanced at him again ever so ferociously.

"What the hell do you want, faggot?"

He wanted to tell her how much beautiful she is, of how much it ached his heart        when she hid away like that. That she didn't look like a dwarf just because she was short, that she looked adorable, even when she ate like a wild animal, she was still a sweet delicate little thing. At least in his eyes.

" bbb-bek-beky.. I-I-i.."

"speak you fagg! What the fuck were doing there you son of a bitch!

But each time his lips worked, nothing came out, he was absurdly tongue tied, and her temper was raising. He couldn't understand how someone so small could be so enraged, how someone who consume a whole chicken every morning could remain so painfully thin.

And how he fell harder for her every time she cursed him, heck, she looked hot when she was mad.

"you son of a bitch fagg, I'll give you three seconds to fuck away before I castrate your balls."


"Speak you bastard!"

"Chi-chi-chi! CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!" his paralysed tongue went berserk, and he handed her the lunch box diligently with a slight bow. If he must go, then at least she had to taste this food. Words failed him, but food won't. He always had an undying faith in food, mainly because his own parents met in a restaurant, his mother worked there and she was a great cook, and when his father tasted her heavenly soup, they fell in love. That's what's his grandma always said, "food is what brought their souls together!"

So maybe this food, will be their thread of destiny.

He looked up at her , and she was eyeing him suspiciously, her irises narrowed to slits, and her mouth twitched to the side.

"your giving me food, ya fagg? How do I know it's not poisoned?!"

"p-p-lease it-it-it-its for you" he pressed the box to her hand while he hopelessly stammered. 'god, please let the goddess taste it.' he prayed silently.

"you weird creepy fag. Kiss my ass and fuck off." she was turning away, but he caught her wrist and she flinched at him. He warned himself to be patient and avoid any physical contact. Though she looked like a harmless little kitten, she had no problem kneeling their substitute teacher in the groin last week. Everyone said it was in the groin, but he was sure it was in the balls.

"No, no w-w-wait it's not poisoned! It's um-uh uh...I ! -"  words trailed and fell, and her brown glare shone under the sun light.

"Prove it!" she demanded him, and his hand subconsciously opening the lunch box and grabbing a neatly put chicken leg, it was still warm.

She shook her head. "no, put it there!" her finger pointed downwards.

To his pants.

His face reddened "you w-want me to put it t-th-th-"

"If it's not poisoned, I don't think that would be a problem." her dancing eyes betrayed her innocent tone, and a light of mischief grazed her lips.

"you-you would e-e-eat-?"

"well, that depends, of course, if you hadn't poisoned it to KILL ME!."

she accused him, and that made it almost obligatory. He looked a second time at her face. Why would he ever try to kill her? He was just trying to be nice!

She was still watching him, giving him the same mortified look. And her brown eyes wide and anticipating, 'could you do it?' they dared him.

And as hopeless as the situation was, he sneaked the chicken leg into his pants, he tried not to show any funny expression, but it was warm and wet, it made him feel weird.

He looked back at her and she was laughing, very hard.

" so-um.. You would eat it?"

Her laughter stopped but she still smiled so brightly at him. For a moment, his heart skipped a beat.

"In your dreams, faggot."

That was the first time he brought her Chicken noodle soup.

The second time wasn't much later, actually it was five minutes later .


Yooo it's your writer here. This fanfic was written four years ago actually, when i was still in school. it stayed in my draft. I left watt and when i returned i found it and thought it was too good to keep it in my drafts. Lemme know what you guys think and thank you very much 🌹🥹♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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chicken noodle soup//BekyG X j-hope//BTS✔️Where stories live. Discover now