An Unknown Legend

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      I asked my sister to read me a story before my sleep. I requested for a horror genre and she gave me a rather peculiar short novel.

   She started dramatically. "Once, it was heard that this legend was deadly and frightening, but no one remembers it anymore. It is roughly about a book that was chained tightly, and highly secured. No one could open it. Well actually... there is someone, which is the person who locked it."

     "The chains seemed like it was simply tangled, and until now, it is still locked. But do you know the creepiest investigation that I have found? It's that it had no fingerprints on it. Not even mine even though I held it. In the end, I tried a method I thought it might work, and that resulted with how helpful it is."

     "Though none of these would have happened if I had brought my lunch."


     "It started out when I was on my way to school. I felt that something was off while I was walking in the dark and damp rainforest. My bag was lighter than usual, and I was walking more freely. Then I remembered that my lunch was on the dining table." (How idiotic of me to do so.)

     "As I sprinted back swiftly, I fell into a large hole. I was oblivious that time. It was done with foolishness and stupidity. What should I do now? Who would save me? My phone was destroyed by that terrible fall, so I wouldn't be able to contact anybody."

     "I wouldn't want to lose my voice either, so I tried exploring this place first before I get out of here. And here I am, trying to open the book."

     "The chains were like, you can say... alive. As I tried removing it, the tangles got worse. So I tried untangling it faster than before and stomped on it vigorously when it landed on the ground. It worked. The problem now is the book. It has a mouth wide open that looked like it is about to bite me any moment."

     "I took the scissors from my pencil case and proceeded to amputate its mouth. It endlessly bled out green blood. I was horrified, since I have an extreme fear of blood (hemophobia). Ah, when did that start to happen?"

     "I tried my best not to care about my phobia. I slashed the mouth as hard as I could, with blood splashed everywhere until its lips weren't ink-printed on the book anymore."

"It horrifies me. The inside was not what I had expected. A bigger (twice as big), scarier mouth with its teeth sharper than the sharpest sword appeared in sight. Its tongue could stretch out endlessly. It wanted to gobble me up. I used my scissors to cut the tongue, but it split into two."

     "And I knew this was the end of me."

     She closed the book and said, "The end! Time to go to sleep, Lyla. I told you the horror story that you wanted to hear." She placed the book at the window, patted my head and wrapped me in blankets.

     But a cold feeling I couldn't shake made me call her the moment she was about to go and pointed to the window. She looked at it with a horrified look on her face while witnessing the book, suddenly opened, and at its second page. It was the exact gruesome mouth prescribed, with its two tongue wildly whacking the window and aiming at us, about to reach and kill us any moment.

     Our hearts raced madly, and our emotions were filled with fear. How can that monster out of nowhere, came out? And why after the story, it appeared?


4/10/2019- published

9/8/2021- edited

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