The piano room

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I don't know what's wrong with my mind.

Inspired by Jumanji 2
-the fake snakes shooting bullet part
-the lives part

Inspired by piano
-the black and white keys
-how much I hate them when I was forced to play them

My imagination would get some credits too.

Okay :)


I stepped on the wrong box and a flying key shot my heart before I could dodge. My blood splattered everywhere and I blacked out.


I was scared of the piano.

And I was asked to practice right now.

I acted fine when I wasn't... it wasn't a lie and I said I feared the piano.

I was stuck in a loop that I could not get out of. I was stuck on this day everytime and I was starting to get sick of it.

I got back in the loop again and again because the flying piano keys killed me more than I could count.

But this time, it's threat was more dangerously scary. If I die again I would die forever... so I had to pass to survive.

It's like a game. But in reality, a deal with lives.

Both of my hands were shaking. I could not control this fear that was hard to explain.

I had to go to the piano again...

Okay so this so called "game" goes like this.

You had to pass every piano by stepping on the correct box on the floor.

Once you made a mistake you have to dodge the piano keys that was about to fly to you or else you have to restart again.

Imagine you lived in a mansion with strangers, waking up on the bed at the same day and time and moving into the piano room again and again because you kept failing.

Stepping on the same correct boxes to avoid the flying keys aiming at you.

If it's wrong you tried to dodge but couldn't every time.

There would be at least 10 pianos cause the family was extremely rich. The first to the last meant the easiest to the hardest.

I failed halfway every time.

And my life would soon be gone if I lose again.

But who was I kidding? I could never accomplish it. It wasn't easy at all and it was just Level 1. What if there were more levels?

I didn't know what I did that made me stuck in this loop that seemed like forever but I knew I didn't deserve any of these.

Like, it wasn't my fault to begin with. Any of it.

All of it.

And I suffer in this place for unknown purposes. There would be no point in this.

But I try again and again like it's normal. It was not normal. It was like as if I was in coma in real life for a long time.

Cause the thing is you couldn't feel any emotions in this "game".

What if I lose again? What if I die? Where would I go?

Heaven? Hell? N... nowhere?

I don't know. It's complicated.

What should I learn in this? To practice my piano from now on? Hell no! That thing kept killing me!

Endurance? No, I'm still impatient!

Choose wisely? ... kind of true though...

So I had to choose wisely?

Let's try it. It's not like anyone would care if I passed.

No one would be worried...

No one would care. I would go through this... alone.

By myself. Cause I only care for me.

... I should always try to ask for help?

I went out of my "room" and went to the piano room. A maid was there to ask me to enter this time.

"Hey... can you walk with me to the last piano in the piano room?" I asked her. "I'm sorry if I troubled you."

She replied with a smile, saying, "Of course. I was asked to bring you in there anyway."

She seemed sweet but it's kind of best if I don't trust anyone for now. What if she had bad intentions?

It's better to safe myself first, unless it seemed safe.

I walked with her and bullets kept flying every time but none if us were hurt. Cause she had the shield.

Wait a minute... she WAS the shield in this "game".

Now I realised, it was the correct idea to ask for help when you need it the most.

And I, finally for once, accomplished it. I thanked her and I heard my name about 5 times. And I woke up.

I was right. I was in a coma.

"Reina! You're finally awake! I thought you wouldn't wake up anymore."

Raine, my twin brother cried and embraced his arms around me.

I teased him jokingly with a smug smile on my face. "Don't cry, you were acting like you're the sister now."

"Hey!" He grumbled like a girl being teased.

I smiled, but I remembered the piano room. Thanked god I made the correct choice. Always ask when you need help.

-The end-


Published- 18/12/2019

Edited- 2021

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