•Epilogue end•

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It's been 20 days since being next to Yoongi or maybe 3 days, hoseok has no clue to him it felt like a year. He turned to look at the clock and saw it was 6:30 it was still to early namjoon and Jin are probably still asleep. Hoseok slowly got up from the bed and went to get a glass of water he tried his best at being quite so he wouldn't wake up the couple. It would be a lie and say he didn't miss Yoongi but he felt so betrayed, hurt and disappointed.

"Why would he cheat on me?"

"Was I not enough?"

"Does he even love me?" 

Hoseok finally snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something licking his leg he'd looked down and saw it was tannie, the dog namjoon and Jin were asked to take care of for awhile. "What's wrong Tannie? Want to go outside?" He said as he petted the small dog head. He giggled as the dog ran to the door and whined. When hoseok opened the door he saw a stack of letters bundled together on the ground. Making sure tannie was still in the yard hoseok checks to see who it's for.

"To my sunshine"

There was only one person who would call hoseok sunshine.


Hoseok was confuse as too why Yoongi would leave a bunch of letters to him.

"Maybe he doesn't love me."

"What if it's a list of reason why he wants to breakup with me."

Thinking the worst hoseok slowly opened the first letter and began to read. He must've read it hundred times but hoseok couldn't stop the tear drops from falling down his face. He was a sobbing mess he missed Yoongi so much. He felt a lot of emotions happiness, love, excitement but most of all regret.
He regretted leaving Yoongi, regretted not letting the boy talk and explain the situation. Hoseok was broken out of his thoughts when he here a whine as he look down he saw it was tannie.

Maybe it was the past days of not being able to sleep or
Maybe he had finally gone crazy, whatever it was Hoseok was sure the dog was telling him to go to Yoongi so that's what he did with tannie in his arm and the letters in his other hand he ran all the way back to Yoongi.

He ran as fast as he could

Once he got there he knock multiple times as the door open it revealed Yoongi his eyes were puffy and red and it looked like he hasn't slept in a while.
"Hoseok?" Yoongi voice cracked as he spoke the others name. With one arm hoseok pulled Yoongi closer to him and kissed him a kiss that he poured all his love and affection and how incredibly sorry he was.
"I'm so sorry for not believing you, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sor-"

"Shhh it's ok baby it's ok" Yoongi said as he ran his hands through hoseok hair trying to calm the boy down.

"I just feel like I owe you an apology I'm sorry I accused you o-" Hoseok voice cracked

"Hey it's ok I forgive you baby I'm sorry too" "why are you sorry." Hoseok said

"For letting you out of my hands so easy, I regret not chasing after you I was scared you would leave me forever." The boy mumbled as he put his head in hoseok neck enjoying his fruity smell, oh how he missed the way hoseok smelled it brought him a way of comfort.

"It's ok I should have let you explained instead of running away." Hoseok lightly chuckled as he wrap an arm around Yoongi bringing the boy as close as he could without squishing the dog in his other arm. As Yoongi looked up at him he grabbed the back of hoseok head, pulling him closer until their lips connected. What began as a sweet simple kiss turned into a deep rough kiss, as things started to get more intense the boys heard a bark. Separating from each other hoseok forgot he still had tannie in his arm.

"Oops sorry tannie" the boy smiled as he petted the small dog's head.

"Who's dog is that?"

"I have not idea" Hoseok chuckled "so you basically kidnapped someone's dog." Yoongi chuckled "n-no more like sorta-of-kind-of-took-while-taking-him-outside-to-pee-but-then, ok yea yea you could say I sort of kidnapped him" "but look he's total fine and happy."

Both boys giggle as the look at the dog with sleepy eyes.

"Come on let's get you both inside."

Once inside hoseok made sure to make a comfy bed for the dog before joining his boyfriend in bed, wrapping his arm around Yoongi pulling him close to him, he kissed his neck and told the pale boy how happy he was to have him next to him again. Before falling asleep both boys whispered sweet words to each other

"I love you Yoongi." A sleepy hoseok said

"I love you more my sunshine."


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———————————————————————A/n: welp this is the end I don't really like how I ended this but oh well :/ I'm sorry about the long ASS hiatus I had writers block and then got kinda lazy finishing it I'll try my best to finish books faster as for my oth...

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A/n: welp this is the end I don't really like how I ended this but oh well :/ I'm sorry about the long ASS hiatus I had writers block and then got kinda lazy finishing it I'll try my best to finish books faster as for my other book I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish that but anyway I really hope you enjoyed this book (enjoy the cute sope gif :))))

Also did anyone notice the title's were from the song 'Can't take my eyes off you' in French :) if you did I love you :)

Haha this is long but again thank you for reading it means a lot 🥺❤️

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