Why me

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Roxie's p.o.v

we where currently in one of our grandfathers many parties it's so annoying that I have to go. I would rather be at home snuggled in my blankets practising my magic but as always fate has other ideas "hay grayson spawn" oh come on i can't go 1 day without getting terrorised by my 4 year old cousin and its bad anuf dad hid all my hoodies and made me take out my contacts now people are swarming me because you see i have hetero-chromatic eyes (my left eye looks just like my tati's (unearthly sky blue) and my right looks just like my fathers (bright forest green)) "hay grayson you good?" fine i'll talk to Mr big shot "yes i'm fine just not feeling the aster that's all" he gives me a weird look "what? hasn't your dad taught you proper English" he looks deep in thought for a moment then eventually i find his motives for coming to talk to me when I'm clearly pissed which as Léan has said many times: suicide "can you come to grandfathers office and open the BC for me" he asks in a hushed tone all the while batting his big greens "no" my answer was blunt yes but i had better things to do like ticking the other guests off with my magic and trying to find the best why to escape "oh ok well if you don't come, I'll tell everyone your real name" oh crud he stooped to blackmail and this one i was not letting the public know because i go by Sterling to the press and outside my family home (because the press just thinks im a boy not a trans boy) so there was no way I was letting this one go "fine but you have to do the chicken dance and loser dance in front of the new t.g.a.n next week and even if you cross your fingers behind your back i will know" his eyes lit up with excitement hmm what are my sisters and cuzzies planing

_________________________________line brake______________________________________

"No no no nonononono never ever will I ever do that!!!" I shouted as I find out their plan to go back in time to get these 5 hours back it would be a good plan except my parents would ground my butt for life and it would end my perfect track record "why it's only one spell and we are all here and tati won't know" I stared at them giving them my 'you are so stupid' look then it tuned into a look of  confusion then it hit me the entire 'kids of the og young justice heroes' as we liked to call ourselves was here "fine but if I get caught I blame you!" then I direct everyone there places in the middle of the giant batcave and start chanting the spell but as always we have a- as aunty Artemis would say 'a wally' of the group: willow and she is extremely impatient and starts to play with my bookmark which in turn makes me  lose concentration but just as we get sucked into the swirly time portal i throw two batarangs and my six cuzens i don't want them getting the fallout of this porticuler mess "we......are......screwed" thanks for stating the obvious willow 

dick's p.o.v

i was standing talking to my seven other siblings when we all heard an explosion " it came from the B.C" Dammi stated quietly well it seemed quiet over the screaming/panicking crowd "alright everyone scan the crowd for our kids" i say already scanning the crowd for Roxie,Jazmin and Ople "i don't see my two"tim says looking at Dammi worryingly "what about you and steph?" i ask cass "no we  cant see our three" we start to worry but keep it to our selves and i open my mouth to ask Babs something when her hubbie spoke up "how are you guys so calm your kids are missing and there was an explosion!" he shouted which made everyone who heard it panic more, great just great Babs just had to marry someone doesn't know about the Waynes' double life this is going to be so problematic "hay calm ya farm we don't want to panic them more, dick can you check the clock to see how long we have to calm this party" Tim asks in which i nod and speed walk to bruce's study with jay on my tail and when we get to the clock we find that it's open so we head though it with some conclusion. we race to the end of the stair well and we are shocked to say the least about whet we found "guys wake up its uncle dick and uncle jay" said Dammi's oldest  and then slowly they wake up one by one "what happend here and where's your cousins?" jay asks/demands. they all point to the middle of he cave where my sons satchel sat neatly with a pile of bat-a-rangs and his spell book "you pushed your cousin to perform a spell and it back fired and by the looks of things it was a time travel spell am i right"they all nod,great now i have to look allover the time stream       

time travel gone wrong horibley wrongWhere stories live. Discover now