ok now we have the whole flock, yes?

74 5 1

a lot of days and 1 monopoly game prier to the shenanigans prier

ari's p.o.v

"why are we doing this again" I say confused as to what I was hearing "we want our two hours back from this stupid party plain and simple" Theo stated looking annoyed "your just saying that because aunt Cass didn't let you bring your nutendo 3DS" Sammy quipped back fliping his cousin off as he busied himself by sharpening his sword "can we please stop fighting, i know we have our-" opel was cut of by arch putting his hand on her mouth but quickly let go when she licked his hand and proceeding to kick him were the sun dont shine fleeing right arfter.. "eww opel come on" arci then proceeded to run after the fleeing opel who had started running minutes prier which in his words turned him into a hit and run Vic "ok who's going to get Roxie" dead scilance, you would think a room full of super hero's wouldn't be scared by a name but... if my short four years of knowing this family has taught me anything its that you don't go up to roxie when she's pissed "dibs not" the room erupted into a cores of dibs nots, and low and behold i was the last to say it great . i walk up the stairwell that leads to grandfathers study, and walk effortlessly down the stairs to find my cousin. "hay grayson spawn" no answer she seemes to be in her own world perfict just perfict. "hay grayson you good" i asked poking my female cuzzen "yes I'm fine, just not really fealing the aster, that's all" she said with a sheepish grin, trying to figer out an exape root "can you come to grandfathers offace and open the BC for me" her eyes light up and i think I've got her "No" wait what, you don't say no to an al ghul, so i look as sad as possible and stoop to black mail "oh ok well if you dont come, i'll tell everyone your real name" roxie goes bright red evan thought i only threatened that i tell the piplick that she's a girl what's the big deal "fine but you have to do the chicken dance and loser dance in front of the new t.g.a.a.n next week and even if you cross your fingers behind your back i will know" well its not that bad right...

many days of trying to find the new team and one game of manopily later

jamaica's p.o.v

we where in some kind of cave surrounded by many people who all looked slightly fermiler "look we dont mean to intruded but we need to find-" i was cut of by a sharp pain shooting itself up my legs causing me to scream "not now why now" archi panicked, our aurdeance was stunded as we had just fallen from the sky. when the shock had worn of and i could walk again one of the persons spoke "who are you egsactly and-" he was cut of by a man in a bat suit who looked alot like uncle dick... wait that is uncle dick. it seemed that the others had the same epifiny and we emideatly looked sheepish "hello children" we all got of each other thought by now dick had spoted us and it was too late we where gonners so we all did what we did best in embarising moments, we stayed scilant though archi had the gaul to say "hi uncle" wich in turn coused the croud the shout "UNCLE?!?" in wich he replide with "yes these are the kids of the bat family, the one that was the first to talk is jamaica gorden, the son of the first batgirl, the three who look like owls and have the wings are the sons and daughter of spoiler and orphin," he pawsed looking around the room to see if thay had gotten everthing "wait that means..." all the reconiation bumblebee got was the stiff knods of every member of the batfamily young and old

a/n sorry its short and riddled with spelling eras but i was itching to write :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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