there are two?!?

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Superman's p.o.v

we were on a ledge mission (except batman because he had other bat things to do like looking after the demon spawn as red hood liked to call the new robin in training) that lasted about a month so we haven't seen our proteges in forever i can't wait to see conner and red robin so i can tease them about their relationship "superman are you alright?" came the calm voice of black canary "yes yes i'm fine just shaken up from the trials and do you think nightwing is handled it well?" they looked at me like i suddenly grew five more heads "dude nightwing is the son of the bat he's just like a mini bat with personality and i bet ya that if we go down there the cave will be clean and organised any takers" i looked at the speedster in disbelief where we seriously batting about this of all things "care to put your money where your mouth is" Diana stated looking around the room eagerly "yea, and i bet $50 against it because when roy, wally and night where younger they would trash the place, how about you cannery" oliver states turing to his wife "yea i'm going to agree to it and bet $20 against it because when they wher young i don't know how many broken vases we had" and it went on like this for about an hour until batman came out of nowhere and spoke up in a demanding "why don't we just go to the cave" well he did have a point so we mumbled a yes and as we walked to the zada tubes Bruce spoke up "also i'd like to take up that bet and i bet $50 saying that there will be something wrong happen" then after we step through the zada beams we see our group proteges looking very sheepish and trying to cover something up "what have you done?" Diana asks "well first of all don't freak out" said nighwing from the front of the group "OK explain" batman demands then out of the shadows steps out another batman!??!?! and all but batman start freaking out shouting things like "two bat mans where going to die" or "yes i get $50" (mostly from shazam, the flash and green arrow) "welp there goes our faith in the justice league babe"' wait babe who was this batman cheating on me with' i though until the red hood stepped forward out of the shadows and the room fell scilant until the "other" batman spoke up "hello as you can probably tell I'm..."he paused and looked towords to roof of the cave and then said in a annoyed tone " no writer I am not saying that" he looked away from the roof  "dude we forgot to tell the team about your tati's ability to break the fourth wall easily" this was nearly impossible to hear but my son conner and i heard it just fine and i turned away from the "second" batman and looked at the group of proteges still huddled in the corner of the room "what was that nightwing" i asked curiously and with that my question spiked some interest in the league too "ummm i didn't say anything but we all have something to tell you other than the obvious elephants in the room" he states and we're all engaged in what he has to say until red hood has to ruin the moment by shouting "what evan younger you gets more people to talk to you than me" we look at him closely and now we can see the differences in the two batmen and red hood: the new batman is more curvy and is shorter and is more expretionet and has more high tech gadgets and red hood is the same but has a ring on his finger "why are you shorter than that bats over here?" asked flash "i am not short it's just a running joke in the batfam/dc fandom that i'm shorter than my brothers and husband" he states like he has had to explain that before even though it is weird. then he does something unexpected, he moves his hands to his cowl "well i guess you should show them and i guess i would be very confusing so......." he stated drawing out the o before pulling down the cowl to reveal an older looking dick grayson "YOU TROLL" artemis and two others shouted and we look back over to the group to see that they have parted slightly revealing tiny versions of the team "hello my name is kaitlyn i am the daughter of kalder and I am the leader of the young justice team in my time-" she was then cut off buy someone who looks just like a female roy "and i'm there babysitter leãn harper and sorry for my godfathers that are quite the characters sometimes" wow this is a lot to take in "well i guess bats wins the bet" then three portles open up out know where and 6 kids fell out  

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