Shizuo is ticklish Head Cannon

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One fairly relaxing day, the people of Ikebukuro seemed to have decided to stay at home for the most part. With only a few people walking around Shizuo didn't feel a need to smoke one of his cigars on his lunch break. He was making his way over to a fast food cart with his sharp sense of smell bugging him a bit more than in the early morning. It was easier to ignore with the smell of grease and other foods as he got closer to his destination.

Behind him walked a short raven, holding back a huge grin. He made as little noise and movement as possible while keeping up with his pace. As soon as Shizuo stopped, he did. Izaya gave him a moment to think before smirking wider and jabbing his sides causing the taller blond to twist a little as he felt more jabs. He laughed joyously for a moment, then got a bit irritated and grabbed on to the hands that caused it.

Still holding back a laugh, Izaya allowed himself to get caught and brought over to the front of his enemy. A vein popped on Shizuo's forehead as his anger pivots. Izaya laughs at the sudden change of expression from Shizuo, "I didn't know Shizu-chan was ticklish~"

"Oh yeah? What if I tickle you?!" Shizuo said thinking it was the greatest revenge ever on his enemy with a mild deadpan. He let's go of one of his hands to tickle back the small informant, making him very effectively laugh, "Stop it Shizu-chan! Hahahaha..."

"You hate that don't ya?? Huh?! I-Za-Ya?!" He says angrily and stops for a moment expecting an answer. Izaya catches his breath and grins widely, "No." Shizuo blinked for a moment, "Oh yeah?! Well, I don't hate it either! So you can stop doing that!" He said thinking it was the most logical thing to say to one-up him. Izaya chuckled at him, "Damn, guess I should find other ways to torture you~" Shizuo let go of Izaya with a deadpan and kept angrily walking and mumbling to himself not to waste any more time on the flea.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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