Chapter 9: The American Irwin Mansion

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The bus arrived and parked at the Irwin Mansion. It looked different from the Cheng Mansion in Hong Kong and the Irwin Mansion in Australia.

Devan: Guys look, it's the Irwin Mansion.

Zoe: Yeah, but it looks really different. Not like the one back in Australia.

Just then, Harry called the kids through the intercom.

Harry: Well it is different from the Irwin Mansion in Australia because I live there with my wife, kids, my sister, her husband and her kids. It is alot bigger and alot homier than your mansion.

Yuto: Look, there's even a football field.

Harry: We're here.

They all went down and got their luggages from the bus trunk. The kids went first to the Irwin mansion.

Thaiyo: Yo, this is so cool.

Then one of Harry's spoilt kids who is Michael's age came down.

Marc: Hey dad, why did you bring those Asians with you?

Yanin: Hello? Can't you see not all of us are Asians?

Cristiano: Yeah, and stop being so rude.

Then another boy around Calum's age came.

Calvin: Oh my god, you must be Cristiano Ronaldo! Can I have your autograph?

Cristiano: Not for spoilt kids like you.

Harry: Boys, no time for bullying! Oh, these are my kids.

Ashton: How many kids do you have?

Harry: Oh, I have 9 kids like you Ash, Lauren has 2.

Ashley: Then Uncle Harry, why are they being so rude?

Harry: You'll see when you get to know them, your room will be next to them.

The kids followed Harry to his kids' room, they are just looking at their phones and playing videos. They have so many toys and robots in their collection. Including dolls, dresses and makeup for Harry's only daughter.

Harry: Kids, these are Uncle Ashton's kids, Kris Wu, Michael Irwin, Crystal Leigh, Calum Irwin, Wengie Ayche, Collins Key, Alan Stokes, Alex Stokes, Nia Lovelis, Brent Rivera, Luke Irwin, Sierra Deaton, Jenny An Thu, Rena Lovelis, Devan Key, Shawn Irwin, Niall Horan, Sheryl Lau, Ashley Frangipine, Jacob Sartorius, Raphael Irwin, Sung Mi Choi, Yuto Irwin, Aidan Irwin, Lila Ring, Zoe Irwin, Prem Rodriguez, Thaiyo Irwin, Gun Rose, Anyu Chan, Tanya Leong, Sofia Cheng and Stella Cheng. Not all of them are his kids but they are considered his kids.

Susan: Oh my god, why did you bring Asians with you?

Zoe: Oh my god, can you stop being racist.

Harry: They can be racist, anyways guys, these are my kids Marc, Calvin, Lawrence, John, Richard, Yohan, Adam, Susan and Theodore and these are Lauren's kids Sandra and Stephanie.

Sofia: They are so rude, can we not sleep in this room?

Zoe: Yeah, Susan's part of this room is so girly, why can't it have football or something?

Susan: Because football is for boys you dummy. Just look at how Lawrence plays it.

Calum: That's a freaking rugby, the sport Cristiano plays is football.

Calvin: Really Asian boy? That's soccer.

Susan: And soccer is for boys as well. Same for other sports.

Crystal, Wengie, Nia, Sierra, Jenny, Rena, Sheryl, Ashley, Sung Mi, Gun, Anyu, Tanya, Sofia and Stella: Am I a joke to you?

Zoe: I can even do karate.

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