Chapter 7,Alice's Secret

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Me in the photo Halloween was pretty cool.

I was a candy corn witch. Anyway back to the story and sorry guys I had a huge writers block . I broke my goal but I'll promise I'll write more. I'm so sorry hope you can forgive me.


I woke up.  My head was banging.I got up and fell to the ground.

"Whoa Alice you need to rest. Your to weak since you punched ben and created a massive fireball,"Jeff chuckled.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my bed.He layed down next to me. After 30 min. Of gazing into his beautiful eyes I fell asleep.

I woke up and went to the table. I looked over at ben to his bruised and bandaged up face.I felt kinda bad but not to much.I lost my appetite looking at Ben's face so I went to Jeff's room. I saw someone digging through his dresser.

"Where is it,"Said the mysterious person frustrated.

I turned the lights on to see Jane.

"Jane what are you doing in here,"I said curiously.

"Oh nothing. Jeff stole something of myn. Im looking for it everywhere. Oh there it is,"said Jane picking something off the ground as she walked out of the room.

I thought something suspicious. But it probably was something funny about Jeff she was looking for. I went to my room.I was met by Jeff.

"Hey sexy," said Jeff.

I smiled at that thought. I immediately took my clothes off and jumped in bed with jeff.


2 1/2  Hours Later

"Maybe we can do it again sometime,"Said Jeff."

Sure thing ba-. Oh s***. We didnt use a condom,"I said with a worried exspression.

"don't worry about it it's our first time I doubt that your pregnant," Said Jeff.

I still didnt believe him.He gave me a massage.

"If you are still worried take a test and it will say negative and we will be fine,"Jeff said

"ok,"I whispered as I crawled back in bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and saw a brown paper baggie with a letter attached.

You know what to do with this. It will all be over when it turns out negative.

-♡Jeff P.S. don't worry sweetheart.


I took the test out of the bag. I went to the bathroom.I waited a minute while pacing around the bathroom. I looked at it. My heart sank.


I almost screamed.

"Sweetie what did it say," Said Jeff.

"It said negative,"I said hiding the worry out of my voice.

"See I told you it was going to be alright,"Said Jeff as I heard him walk away.

I was never going to tell Jeff.sooner or later he would find out but not now.I heard Jane come in.

"You alright Alice,"Said Jane worried.

"I'm pregnant Jane what am I supposed to do. I'm not ready to have a baby. Jeff's not ready to be a father,"I said sobbing in between.

I saw Jane clench her fists and her face reeked with anger but she changed it to sympathy.

"It's ok. You'll get through it Alice. Sooner or later Jeff's just going to have to accept that,"Said Jane comforting me.

I nodded as I climbed back into bed. I heard the door slam.What is her problem I thought as I went to bed. Before I dozed off I coulda sworn I saw Jane's evil smile glaring at me.


1. What do you think Jeff's going to do when he finds out that Alice is pregnant.


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