Alice's Not Having Fun,Chapter 13

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Im ending Alice The Demon Child as soon as possible.Possibly deleting everything cause

1.It didn't make sense.

2. It's too fast paced.

Not saying I'm deleting I'm just saying It's coming soon.I will post one more chapter and see what I'm going to do. If you don't want the chapters to be deleted all I have ti say is pray or beg. :I


I was walking to my car.I realized I had a long scratch on.

"Where the h*11 did that come from,"I said outloud.

As I was examining the scratch I heard footsteps behind me.I turned and saw a drunk man.

"Well hello little lady.I noticed your car isn't working.You can ride in my car if you want,"He said winking at me.

"My car is perfectly fine. I guess I will be on my way,"I said trying to hurry.

"Oh come on,"He said putting his hand on me.

"GET OFF OF ME,"I growled.

"Oh.I like feisty girls like you.Sweetheart come get in my car,"He said the liquor in his breath made my nostrils burn.

"I SAID NO,"Getting in my car.

"Well thats too bad little lady,"He said pulling me out of my car.

For a drunk man he was suprisingly strong.

"LET ME GO,"I said trying to get out of his hold.

Out of all days why didn't I choose to kill someone today with the rest of the creepy pastas.He pushed me on my car and came in close.He started kissing me.I pushed him away and smacked him in his face.

"THATS IT!!! Little lady you get what you deserve,"He said as he punched me in the face.

I was on the ground.I was so confused I got up only to be slapped in the face.What was wrong with me, usually when people do that I punch them in the face.I felt like I deserved it for some reason.Sally's messing with me.

well you did almost kill your boyfreind

Good point.I was on the ground when he was about to hit me again.


He handcuffed him and than helped me up.

"OH S*!* YOUR ALICE THE DEMON CHILD,"He said grabbing his gun out.

"WHOA EASY THERE.Besides I would put that gun away or else.I haven't killed anyone all day you might be the first,"I said taking my pizza cutter out.

"PUT THAT WEAPON AWAY. I MEAN IT,"He said hands shaking.

I kicked the gun out of his hand.

"Don't even think about grabbing it,"I said chuckling.

"Please dont hurt me,"He begged.

I was getting ready to kill him when my phone rang.It was Ben.I put my foot on him and answered it.

"Yes,"I asked.

"Where are you.You should been home by now,"He said.

"Well I ran into some trouble.I'm finishing up ok,"I said.

All of a sudden I got shot in the leg.

"D@**!*,"I screamed as I dropped the phone.

Ii heard Ben on the other line"ALICE ARE YOU OK. I HEARD  A GUN SHOT.ALICE ARE YOU THERE,"I turned around to the drunk man in handcuffs with the gun.

"DONT SHOOT ME AGAIN YOU LITTLE B@$****,"I said running to the drunk.

He shot me again in the shoulder.I fell to the ground.

"You deserve that little lady for not coming with me,"He said as he dropped the gun and walked away.

Ii was suprised he didn't grab the keys to the handcuffs.He's probably to drunk to realize.I reached for my phone but he already hung up.I tried redialing him but the cop kicked my phone away.

"Well look who's on the ground now he said picking the gun off the ground and aiming it at me.


"I would but your hurt pretty badly,"He said giving me his hand.

"I dont need you help im fine,"I said pushing his hand away.

"Prove it,"He said waiting.

Ii tried to stand up but I fell.

"Exactly.Let me help you,"He said picking me up bridal style.

I looked at his name tag.It said sherman.I soon fell asleep.

I woke up in the hospital.Not again.I opened my eyes to Ben sleeping in the chair.I was handcuffed to the bed and Ben was handcuffed to the chair.

"Ugh what the f*** are these for?" I asked aggitated

"Their so you dont get away Alice,"The female cop Said.

She started talking to the other cop as I tried to get loose.

"Alice  I'm so glad your awake,"Ben Said rubbing his eyes.

"Ben you didn't have to come.Now we will both get arrested,"I said feeling helpless.

"Alice dont worry I got a plan B,"He said as he pulled out a bobby pin.

"Where did you get that?"I asked gritting my teeth.

"Relax I found it on your dresser. I was going to give it to you anyways,"He said laughing.

Ii took the paper clip from his hands.I immediatly put it my other pocket as the Sherman from the other night came in.

"Ok as soon as you get better we will ship you to jail but him on the other hand will have to go tonight,"He said straight.


"Oh ermm my boss won't like it but since you love him so I guess so,"He said akwardly.

Great my plan is working.All thats left is to escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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