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Inky POV

I got up and got dressed for the new day off school I have being in many schools and yet each one has failed me I end up in fights and had been bullied by other people.

I also noticed that I had a really terrible times at remembering what I'm doing or to other monster or people's names.

As I walked into the school I only seen that I was not late I sigh and sat down on a pole as two skeleton like monster walked up and said hello I was shy until the one in the blue scarf said

Sorry for scaring you I was just excited that there is a new boy here in our school.

I giggled and I started to talk then she blushed and said sorry I tho and I said it's fine my name is inky and you.

The name blue and this is dream.

Nice to meet you.

Want to help me look for my locker and that and they helped me out a lot.

Nightmare POV

I was with my gang as I seen my sister with the new student I didn't know I was blushing until error said and I just hide into my hoodie as my sister and her two friends walked over here.

As I looked up dream asked if I was alright I said yes then the new student smiled and I blushed as killer and error teased me.

Um sorry about that these two always tease me.

Name is Nightmare I'm dream brother and this is killer he has a crush on dream and over there is cross he is in love with epic she also around.

Over there is error he crash if you ever touch him or get close he has two sisters fresh and Gen.

That's horror and dust they both got crush but I don't know who yet.

As I finished I noticed that this student was a girl and she told us her name is inky as the bell rang we all went into class.

Killer POV

I smiled at my good friend Nighty he was blushing and I know from the look that his giving inky that he interested in her and I couldn't wait for this to happen as I looked to the other side I seen dust looking over to someone but as I looked to see who it was he stoped looking.


Will I ever find who he is looking at then I seen horror he was looking at lusty I smirked and written a small note and throw it at him he looked at me and open then his face went bright red and hide into his hoodie.

I giggled and started to do my work as I was doing this I couldn't help but feel eye's on me I felt them looking at me up and down it didn't help me at all.

Dream POV

As killer was sitting next to me he was worried so I nuzzle into his side he blushed and did the same back then this bunny girl looked at us and had a look that said everything.

I didn't care killer was mine and know one else's as I seen the bunny girl talking to killer my negative feelings where starting to get to me and she only just smirked.


While I was holding onto my pencil I didn't know my brother felt it and so did the teacher all I can say was that nightmare and the teacher let me and him out so I can cool down and I was tired as I fell into my brother arm's I seen my new friend inky she ran to us asking if we where alright I said yes and she calmed down.

At lunch time killer sat down and ate his lunch until that bunny girl come and sat on his lap that's when I bite my lower lip as I was about to snap inky did something that helped me to calm down.

Inky POV

Sorry to interrupt but that is dream boyfriend you're flirting with kindly remove yourself and I won't have to use my special attack on you.

As the bunny looked at me and just rolled her eyes I summoned my blasters and smirked at her she look scared then I said in a demon voice and said it again and this time she ran off screaming as killer looked at me and said thank you .

While eating I noticed that dream brother was looking at me as he blushed while I smiled.

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