Palette date

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Inky POV

I yawned and got up to see Nighty nuzzling into me as I got out from under him I tipped toe out off our bedroom and noticed it was the weekend I was happy that It was not a work day I started to make breakfast for everyone once everyone wake up they ate there pancakes and palette had to go out I asked where he was going but he didn't say anything as I just sigh and let him be.

Then Nighty said he might have a GF we don't know about I blushed at the thought off it I ran to my son and he stoped.

Wait here use protection if you ever do have a GF I'm not ready for you to have kid's as I said this his hole face lit up in a green and red blushed I giggled as he left and went to where he had to go.

Palette POV

I ran out the door as I got to gothy house I knocked on her door and her father opened it as I see gothy and ran to her and hugged her.

She noticed the blush on my face and said what did your mother say I blushed even more at what she said and her father reaper just watched.

M-mother said to use protection she doesn't want me to have kid's yet.

As I said this reaper and gothy laughters at me as I grab gothy and kissed her deeply I seen her blush a lot.

Gothy POV

It was funny how palette mother was telling palette to use protection as I was laughing at this palette pulled me into a deep kiss I kissed him back and I started to blush a lot.

As I held onto palette he said ready for our date I told him to wait and I ran upstairs to get ready as I got ready my mother gave me her bracelet I smiled and hugged her then my little baby sis raven.

While I walked down to palette he was more then a rainbow face I looked at my father and he had this smirk on his face as palette held my hand and we left for our date.

It was so relaxing and fun at the same time I lay my head on palette shoulder as we watched the sun go down as we did a photo was taken with us and the sunset in the background it was a news reporter he asked if he could take the photo and name us in it.

We said yes and we gave him our name's as we went back to watching the sun set palette and I kissed and we got up and left to go home.

Reaper POV

As palette walked our daughter home I was proud that he keep his promise me and my wife gen think this boy is good so we will let our daughter be with him as we watched them kiss goodbye we smiled and he walked home.

I got into my car and beep the horn at palette want me to take you home ? He said sure and palette jumped into the car and we took off.

Thank you for the promise that u did for me he smiled and said you're welcome.

I dropped him off his house as he waved goodbye I smiled and head home.

Once I got home gothy was in a dazed she was blushing and daydreaming I waved my hand at her but nothing gen was laughing and said she asked her what happen on the date and I chuckled.

Dust POV

I was helping blue with BlueMist with the feeding as I tip the milk to make sure it's just right I gave it to blue and she gave it to our daughter I smiled and blue kissed me.

As I smiled I seen our other little one the soul was little but in time it will be more bigger as I rub my hand on her belly I smiled and kiss blue belly as I seen BlueMist falling asleep in blue arms.

Hope you're going to be like me or like your mother we can't wait to see you little one.

As I said this the soul went to my hand and kick it. Me and your mother and you're baby sis can't wait to see you.

And again the soul kick and was happy blue put BlueMist in the crib and lay down I lay with her.

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