After the mess

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none POV

After awhile off being in the hospital inky could finally go home and go back to school when she got back to school everyone was looking at her she was not happy that she being looked at with so many monster and people watching monsters come up to her and ask if what G said was true but inky couldn't answer them because off her throat. Everyone was whispering about it until someone pin inky to the locker it was G inky was really terrified that G might do something and couldn't do much as inky yelled for dream or nightmare.

Nightmare came and hit G away from inky. Inky ran to her friend's as nightmare told G to get lost but G didn't he wanted inky to himself this only made corrupted more mad and in raged.

While the fight was still going G teleport away.

Killer POV

That fight was bad G really want's inky to himself if only his friends could get the one that use to making him calm down back to this school but her so called family forbidden it.

As I teleport to them the family welcomed me but I pushed them away and teleport frisk to me they asked what I was doing then I told them everything they didn't look to happy.

Frisk you are an adult you can make your own decisions to be with him not your mother or father ! As I said this she grab my hand and I teleport back to the school.

Everyone looked at who I was with as they went quiet I walked with her to G he stoped and looked at the one he so dearly loved.

Frisk POV

I seen my beloved G I ran to him into his arm's as I hugged him tightly I told him to stop I'm here now and I won't make that same bad choice again.

As I kissed G he kissed me back and I blushed but it didn't last long when my mother and father told me to get away from him.


I am 21 years old now mother I can make my own decisions now not you and I'm moving out and living with my beloved G as I took his hand we teleport to his house far away from my control family.

Me and G cuddle into each other as I held onto him tightly never letting him go.

Inky POV

I giggled as dream kissed killer and I see Dream and killer blushing I just giggled at them as I noticed nightmare wrapped his arm's around me and hugged me I felt safe with him I noticed that he was blushing.

As I poked his cheek he blushed more and almost had steam coming off him.

While I was blushing corrupted looked at me and Nightmare and then walked away I stoped nightmare and told him I'll be back and he let go as I ran to corrupted Nighty.

Hey wait up as I said this he stopped and I hugged him as he tightly hugged me back.

Corrupted I think off you as my big brother as I said this he smiled and hugged me then my friend from any other school walked to me I yelped at her.

Don't do that Misty.

Misty POV

I scared my best friend inky she was saying to this handsome boy that she thinks off him as a big brother.

As I smiled and shake his hand he told me his name was corrupted Nighty and I told him I was Misty I was blushing then ink pushed me to talk and walk with him I giggled as corrupted was blushing as I also blushed he took me to his room and I found little bunny's running around.

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