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"You are out of your goddamn mind," I raise my voice while getting up from the couch.
"And you are a loser," He shrugs. "But we are not stating facts here,"
"I really hope you're joking," I laugh but his face stills straight. I open my mouth to speak again but a knock on the door interrupts me.
Frowning, I turn around and walk to it. I open it to reveal a face I'm actually glad to see. "Alex!" I yell and he smiles widely. I notice he is holding some flowers.
"For fuck sakes," I hear Max groan in the back.
"Hey, happy birthday!" He speaks as he gives me the flowers and a small box with them. "I hope I am not late," He adds as I deny with my head.
My cheeks flush red, no one has ever done this for me, ever. "Oh my God, you're so sweet," I smile at him and he just nods. "Come on in!" I move to the side to let him pass. "Max on the couch," I mutter rolling my eyes to show him my annoyance.
Alex frowns at my statement but I rush to the counter to leave the flowers there and open the small box as I hear them both talking in the back.
The box contains a necklace with a small and fancy formula one car, it is actually pretty beautiful. "Hey, Alex," I call for his attention. "Come here,"
He stands in front of me with a worried face. "Do you like it?" He asks and I deny with my head as I feel his frustration.
"Man, I fucking love it!" I yell and then hug him. He chuckles as he hugs me back. From his shoulder, I see Max rolling his eyes which makes me roll mines. I pull back and I see his rosy cheeks. "Can you put it on?" I ask giving it to him as I turn around.
"Of course," He replies as I hold back my hair.
Once he is done, I thank him and Max walks up to us. "I'm leaving," He speaks and I frown.
"Are you going to your party?" Alex wonders and Max nods.
"A party? You have a party?" I interrupt confused.
"The winner always gets one," Alex shrugs.
"But he is a cheater," I point to Max and Alex laughs.
"And you are a sore loser," He responds and we start fighting like two little kids as Alex just stands there watching.
"Okay, enough," Alex raises his voice after what it felt like fifteen minutes. "There is too much of sexual tension in this room, I'm leaving," Alex states and my face turns red.
"What?" I yell. "No, I'm coming with you!" I follow him as I hear Max sighing.
"I'm going to Max's party," He replies.
"Okay, let me change and I'll go with you!"
Alex just smiles politely and nods. "Fine, I'll wait for you,"
"We'll wait for you," Max speaks as he throws himself on the couch.
After a few minutes, I'm finally ready and I walk out of the bathroom while putting my Nikes on. "I'm done," I declare making Alex switch his eyes from his phone to me and dedicating me a smile.
"It took you ages!" Max yells making me roll my eyes. "I thought you died in there," He adds making Alex sigh.
"Let's go," He says and walks in front of Max and me because he starts talking on the phone.
We enter the elevator and Max stands behind me but we remain in silence to respect Alex and his phone call, he looks pretty irritated.
"You look good," Max whispers in my ear scaring me.
I turn around to face him and I remember our little encounter in the same elevator.