Chapter 4

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I sat at my vanity the next day, doing my hair when someone knocked on my door.

Placing the bobby pin down, I went to the door.

Barry stood on the other side as I opened it smiling.

"Right on time, come in." I said.

Stepping to the side, I let Barry in.

"I just need to finish my hair and then we'll start one you." He nodded.

I went back into my room, to finish my hair.

Barry entered a minute later, as I brushed out the bottom of my hair.

"Is this you and Sally?" I looked up through the mirror.

He stood at my dresser looking at the picture of Sally and I at the beach.

"Yeah, it was the summer before I left for training." I said with a smile.

After my hair, I stood up going to my closet to grab a pair of heels.

"What clothes did you bring?" I turned to him.

"Oh, I went to J. Crew and got this off a mannequin." I laughed as he pulled out the clothes.

"You are so cute." I stopped laughing.

"Change into it, then meet me in the living room." I started laughing again walking out.

5 minutes later he came in, in the outfit he bought as I nodded.

"Okay, that pocket square has to go." I told him taking it out of the pocket.


"And take off that button up, i got a simple black one in my room." I went into my room.

I found the shirt in my room, then made my way back out.

"Here try." I stopped in my tracks.

Barry stood there shirtless, if I didn't collect myself my eyes would've fallen out of their sockets.

"Hannah, you okay?" I nodded clearing my throat.

"Uh yeah, here." I handed him the shirt.

He put it on and buttoned all the buttons but one.

I chuckled going over to him, undoing 2 more.

"It's a party not a funeral." I said straighten out the collar.

"Right." He said.

We stood in front of each other for a while until Barry pressed his lips onto mine.

My eyes widened but slowly closed as I ran my hands up his chest.

His hands gripped my waist as he pushed me up against the bookcase.

His kisses tasted like mint and coffee causing me to melt into his kiss.

We pulled away soon after breathing hard as I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, I just..."



"Shut up and kiss me."

He smiled widely before leaning back down, pressing our lips together once more.

Barry shut off the engine, staring up at the house as my brows fused together.

"You okay, B?" I asked as he looked at me.

His Assassin •Barry Berkman•Where stories live. Discover now