Incorrect DJRE Quotes #1

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Parental Guardians

Mal (to Elena): "Dear mother-in-law,please don't tell me how to raise my kids. Obviously I am still raising yours.".


(Heathers Reference)

(Source: Demi Lovato) 

Silas: Don't tell your mother 

Loretta: Kiss one another 

Silas: Die for each other


It Doesn't Have to be Perfect it's Art 

(Source: That 70's Show)

(Carlos, Connor, Jake, and Jay are all standing on top of the water tower painting something green on it. Luna and Nancy are sitting, looking out over Point Place, talking. Meanwhile the song, "Beneath the Mask" is playing on Luna's phone. )

Nancy: Oh my gosh. From up here, Point Place looks just like Paris.

Luna: You think that looks like Paris? Gosh, no wonder you think Jay could be a model.

Jay: Whoa, I could so be a model!

Connor: C'mon, man; shut up and just keep painting.

Jay: (Jumps down) It's done! (laughs)

Jake: Gentlemen, we have finally done it. A pot leaf on the water tower!

Carlos: This is the proudest moment of my life!

(Connor looks the masterpiece over.)

Connor: It doesn't look like a pot leaf.

Jay: What?

Connor: It looks like a hand giving the finger!

Jay: Well, it doesn't have to look perfect, Con! It's art!

Connor: Get up and make it better!

Jay: Fine! (He climbs up on the railing of the tower to paint more.)

Connor: Just...yeah, make it wider...right up there, yeah. Out further, though. Yeah. Right up, there you go...

(Jay falls out of the tower.)

Nancy: Oh my god, Jay!

Connor: Hey Jay!

Jay: (from below) Yeah?

Connor: How's it look from down there?

Jay: (from below) It looks like it's giving me the finger!


Winter Wonderland in Cookie Jar TV Island

(Source: That 70's Show)

Connor: Oh, come on, Jake, did you have to write your name in the snow so close to the tree? 


Boy's NightBreak Out

(Source: That 70's Show)

Kwazii: [sitting in a dungeon cell] We're not all in trouble here. [to Jake] Your parents have seven kids. They won't even notice you're gone. [to Miles] Your parents don't even live in this country. [to Connor] And your girlfriend? Probably one cell over.


VK's Girls Talk 

(Source: That 70's Show)

Mal: So, my parents are, like, fighting all the time, and they want me to choose sides. But I can't, because they're both idiots.

Mal: Excuse me, Evie, when exactly did you lose your soul?

Evie: Um, cheerleading camp?

Mal: *facepalms*


(Spoiler Alert on Atlantic: Forever Atlantic

(Source: That 70's Show)

Miles: I can't believe it's our last circle together. Wait... Oh! Now I know why we called it a circle! That's freaking awesome!

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