Incorrect DJRE Quotes #2

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Confused Alien + Bet

(Source: tumblr) 

Izzy: Miranda please don't do this it will only result in updog!

Mirandos: *tilts her head like a confused puppy* What is updog?

Izzy, yelling upstairs: Holy shit, James you owe me six hundred yen it worked!

James, from upstairs: You've got to be kidding me! 


Luna Cafe's Theme

(Source: Blend S)

Luna: ~Smile!~
Izzy: ~Sweet!~
Sofia: ~Sister!~
Amaya: ~Sadistic!~
Nancy: ~Surprise!~
Jake and Connor: ~Service!~
Luna, Izzy, Sofia, Amaya, Nancy, Jake, Connor: ~WE ARE SUTIIRE!!~

Kwazii, having no idea what (meme) are they doing about: what?


What are broken?

(Source: Tumblr)

Jake: Rules are made to be broken.

Elena: Rules are made to be followed nothing is made to be broken.

Cubby: Uh, piñatas

Luna: Glowsticks

Dylan: Surfboards

Blodger: Spaghetti if you have a small pot

Jake: Rules 



(Source: Brooklyn 99)

Cassie: You could have died!

Miles: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be.

Loretta: *internal screaming* 


Are Dead Fandoms alive?

(Source: Critical role)

Miles: Has anyone ever stopped to wonder how we're still alive?

Sofia: Oh, yeah.

Jake: All the time.

Kwazii: By all likelihood, we shouldn't be.


3 Protags in a nutshell

(Source: The suite life of Zack and Cody)

Kwazii: Would you two stop fighting?

Jake: We are not fighting. We are having a creative discussion.

Sofia: We are too fighting!

Jake: Creative discussion.

Sofia: Fight!

Jake: Discussion!

Sofia: Fight!

Kwazii: I can't believe you're actually having a fight about if you're having a fight.


Let's Play Pretend: Gay Wedding

(Source: Brooklyn 99)

Amber, at Kit and Mira's wedding: So we have good news and we have great news. The good news is we found the ring. The great news is we'll never lose it again.

Kit: What are you trying to say?

Greg: The ring is stuck on her finger. I told her not to be cute about it.

Amber, offended: I'm cute about everything. 


How post-interrogation should be....

(Source: Persona 5 (spoilers)

Silas: (Meeting Miles in the interrogation room

Have you finally pieced it all together? 

(readies gun, points him to the head) 

Case closed... 

(smirked evilly)  

This is how your "justice" ends....

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