Valka's understanding.

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Toothless' pov

I sat waiting for Hiccup, he's been so busy lately with being cheif and Astrid keeps him to herself a lot... I have been just as busy, being the new alpha and all. Valka turned toward me. "Ah, Toothless! Just the dragon I'm looking for... I sense depression in you... What is the matter?" she asked. I began using the writing she taught me, called 'dragon scratch'. '₩/\|+|~¤ [○]

|-||<<□|>' (Waiting for Hiccup.) "Oh~ I see." She said smirking. I raised a scale ridge, the dragon equivalent to an eyebrow. "You're jealous!" She said. '~○○○○' (noooo) I replied, rolling my eyes. "Yes! I can see it in your eyes! they become bluish when you're angry or jealous! Now what are you jealous of is the question..." she said tapping her finger on her chin. '~○ ○~=' (No one.) "ah so it is a person.... Can I guess who?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. '[|~=' (Fine.) "Jealous of me?" she asked. '~○' (no.) "Of hiccup himself?" she asked again. '~/\|-| □|-|.' (nuh uh.) "Of... Astrid?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. '~¤¤¤¤' (ngggg) "Toothless. You're lying. you write wrong when you lie. So I'll ask again. are you jealous of Astrid?" she asked. '.... /={' (yes.) "and may I ask why?" she asked. I shook my head no. "can I guess again?"she asked. I waited a bit before nodding again. "Is it... her relationship with her dragon?" '~○' (no.) "How much time she gets with Hiccup?"

'/\|_▲▲○{+' (almost.) "Her relationship status with Hiccup?!" '|●|~¤○' (bingo) "oooooh!~ Does that mean what I think it does!?"

'... {|-|□+ □|>' (shut up.) "... I can help you, ya know." Valka said. '|-|○▼▼?' (how) "Come here." I stepped close to her. "This may sting a bit at first." She said. she put her hand over a torch and somehow snagged the flame. "Blow on this real quick." I did as she said, causing the fire to turn plasma blue. "Now here's the stinging part..." Valka leaned close and put the plasma blue flame on my heart. I felt a searing pain and burn in my chest and almost screeched, if it hadn't been for the fact I didn't wosh to wake anyone. The pain slowly faded and Valka removed her hand. "I just endowed you with your most amazing power toothless... magic. Think about becoming human, concentrate as hatd as possible." I nodded and started thinking, concentrating as hard as possible. I felt tingling through my body, and heard Valka laughing joyfully. I opened my eyes and looked around. "Toothless. Try to talk." She said. "How in berk wo- Holy crap!" I shouted and fell backwards. She laughed and pulled me up. She lead me to a puddle where I saw the most amazing thing. A bright green eyed boy with black hair and semi large muscles, wearing a red and white set of armor, decorated on the shoulders with black dragon paintings. "Oh my god I'm handsome." I said touching the water. "Yes you are! Now come, we must find a dragon for you, he will serve as your back ground story." Valka lead me to Cloudjumper who seemed to recognize me, as he bowed. "Hi Cj! So what's my name?" I asked. "Aah, uhm.... Valco. Valco Draklin. yeah. That's a good name! Alright, time to find a dragon, hop on." She said, patting Cloudjumper. I awkwardly clambered onto my friend. "Sorry Cloudjumper..." I said looking down at him. He made a croaking noise as if to say it's okay. We arrived at a large island covered in volcanoes. "Now, if you want to impress Hiccup... you gotta get the most untamable dragon there is. A fireworm queen." Valka said hopping off. my eyes widened. "How am I gonna do that!?" I asked. "You're the alpha, even now you are recognized as such. So just... do you're alpha thing, then I have a special saddle made for her, it's carved obsidian, the only substance immune to fireworm heat." She said. "This is the most screwed up day I've ever had." I said walking toward a volcanoe. Valka stopped me. "Oh no Toothless, we're going to that one." She said pointing at a large black volcanoe with a white glow emitting from it. I nodded and continued toward it. inside were the usual baby fireworms, burning like the sun. I sighed as I carefully maneuvered through all of them and made mt way to a large tunnel. Sighing, I stepped in and began my descent. "This day is so fucked up." I whispered. "Uuuugh, fucking dragon riding and shit! calm down toothless, it's all for Hiccup." I said rubbing my face. I felt warmth as I exited the tunnel, there, in front of me, was a large albino fireworm queen, burning sulfuric gasses and oxygen emitted from her body. She opened her eyes to reveal large blue orbs of burning fire. Standing she quickly evaluated me. 'You are the alpha?' she asked in dragon tongue of course. I nodded. 'I challenge you!' she shouted and lunged forward. I didged and began concentrating on being a dragon. I felt the tingle, and hoped it wasn't flesh being seared from my body. I opened my eyes and felt all four legs on the ground. "I will win this! You realize that right!?" I screeched. She just shouted and barreled toward me. I shot three bolts at her and watched as she became stunned, taking the advantage, I sent her own children on her. She shreiked and I withheld further attack as she already bowed. I became a human again and stepped forward. "Come on, I need your help." I said walking out. She obediently followed and we exited the volcanic cave, meeting Valka on the other side. "Ah, good job Toothless, here you go!" She said handing me the black saddle. I placed it on the fireworms back and clambered on. "Follow her to my home." I said smiling at the worm. She nodded. "What's your name?" I asked as the fireworm flew. "Desha, I was a joint queen with my sister Maia. I'm known by the vikings as spirit of the moon, while Maia is known as spirit of the sun for her red flame." She said happily. "Might I ask what it is I'm helping you with alpha?" she asked. "Please, call me toothless and, you're helping me attract someones attention..." I said, feeling blood rush to my face. "oooh~ a potential mate? who's the lucky she beast?" Desha asked. "Uh well, it's the chief of Berk." I said. "Wait, your rider? Hiccup? isn't he male!?" Desha shouted. "Yes..." I said looking over. "Oh my sweet spirit of the stars, that's adorable." she said. "Kay well, just... oh hey we're here." I said looking at the island. We landed silently and Valka showed us to a new home built the other day. I walked in and immediately fell onto the bed. "Toothless, no, you're dragon is staying here, you're going to go home to Hiccup." Valka said. 'Fiiiiine" I said and turned into a dragon again. I flew into the window of Hiccups house and fell asleep on the end of the bed like always. Tomorrow was the day Hiccup sees me differently... literally.

The secrets of a nightfury (human!Toothless x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now