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Hiccups pov

I walked out of the house in the morning, I guess Toothless woke up early to do his weird alpha duties, he didn't even say goodbye.... I was so distracted I ran into someone, it was like hitting a fluffy sheep, soft and warm. I backed away quickly and looked at the person, it was someone I've never seen benfore, he had raven black hair and green eyes, he wore red and white armor that made him look slim and built at the same time. "oh hey there, who are you?" I asked. "Uh, Valco, Valco Draklin. you?" he asked. "Oh, Hiccup I'm the chief! nice to meet you! how are you liking Berk so far?" I asked. "Awsome, I must admit I didn't know other people rode dragons!" he said. "Wait you ride dragons?! can I see them?" I asked. "Well I only have one, but yes you can see her! come on!" He said and led me to a house. He opened it and my mouth dropped, sleeping in the room was a beautiful white fireworm queen, wearing a black obsidian saddle. "Wow!" I said. The dragon sat up. She walked toward Valco and dipped her head, her flames died down and she groaned. Valco put his hand on her head and stroaked her snout. "Wow. She's beautiful." I said looking at Valco. "Yeah, she is." Valco said. "Hey wanna go riding?" he asked. "Sorry I can't find my dragon..." I said. "Don't worry, my saddle fits two!" He said getting on the fireworm. I followed suit. I felt no heat as I sat on the large black saddle, and it was actually surprisingly comfortable. "This is amazing! How did you train her?" I asked, touching her cooled wings. "I stole back some of the stuff her nest was made of, some unintelligible idiot took it from her. If you return a fireworms things, keep in mind you can't have been the one to steal it in the first place, the fireworm will appreciate your gesteur and allow you to prove yourself. I gave her the nest stuff, and showed her my abillity to hold fire, even change it's color with the right items." He said petting her head. "Wow! That's amazing, how high does she fly? What's her shot count? does she have any special abilities?" I rambled. "Higher than the clouds, six, and can change moods using heat waves." Valco answered smiling. "Wow, that is absolutely amazing! I can't believe this... So where are we going?" I asked. "An island I found, it glows from the amount of luminescent dragons on it! Fireworms, flightmares, seashockers, and a few monstrous nightmares. Its beautiful!" He said excitedly. "Oh, I think I see it!" I said, as I saw a large glowing mass in the distance. We landed and I stared in aw at the glowing rocks and forests. A seashocker shot out of the water, spreading it's glowing blue wings and falling back to the lake it had come out of. "This is beautiful." I said. looking at the trees that glowed shades of red blue white and green. "Yeah, come on let's walk." Valco said jumping off the dragon and extending his hand. I took it and jumped down, Valco catching me before I lost my balance. "Thanks..." I said. "No problem Hiccup." he said looking at the ground. Hmm. He began walking toward the woods, gesturing for me to follow. I ran after him and finally caught up to the fleet footed viking. "Where are we going now?" I asked. "No where in particular. just walking." He replied. "Oh... okay." I said walking with him. "Hey Hiccup, don't you have a girlfriend?" Valco asked. "Yeah, but she's kinda clingy lately... I think she's hiding something." I replied. "Oh, uhm... Cool." He said looking forward. I was about to say something  when I heard a strange noise, like a clicking sound. I ran toward it, being the curious person I am. I stopped when I saw three people, working with deadly dragons. One feeding a screaming death some boulders, she was short, red hair to her shoulders, wearing obsidian armor. she looked weak, but lead the others easily. another had a large seashocker who was red and glowed brightly. The boy playing with it held a luminescent rock and was waving it in front of the large reptile. He had brown eyes and black hair, but coal black not raven. The last had an odd choice in dragon, an orange flightmare, who was happily slurping up algae from a girl with brown hairs hand. Valco came running up and accidentally stepped on a twig, causing it to crackle. "oops." he said as all three dragon riders looked toward us. "Who are you!?" the girl with red hair asked. "Uh... travelers?" I said, Valco giggled at my response. "I said, who are you!?" The girl said raising a sword. "Well, I'm Hiccup, this is Valco, and his dragon-" "Desha." I was interrupted by Valco. Desha burst through the clearing, roaring ferociously. "Woah." the red haired girl said. "Yeah, that's Desha!" Valco said and ran toward the roaring fireworm, capturing it's head in a hug. "Rawr." he said and I laughed. "You're quite the strong tamer... But can you tame a screaming death?" she said and pointed toward us. The screaming death charged and Valco put his hand up, the other he filled with soil and let it fly in the wind. The screaming death stopped. Valco stepped forward and put the soil covered hand on the tongue of the dragon. The dragon blinked and began nuzzling Valco who smiled happily. "Yes, I can tame him." he said. "Seashocker!" The black haired boy shouted. The sea dragon bolted toward him with an electrified tongue. Valco took out a peice of leather, as it went to bite Valco he put the leather in its mouth instead, causing the beast to stop. Valco placed his palm on yhe snout of it and picked up a luminescent rock, waving it slowly in front of the left heads eyes, which became rounded. "Nope, not to scary." He said laughing. I smiled. "Flightmare?" the brunette asked. The flightmare let out a horrifying screech and barreled toward Valco, who simply put out a hand full of algae. "Aaaw he likes it, this ones only a baby!" he said as the little monster ate from his hand. Wow, Valco was amazing! "Who's a pretty girl?" he asked as he stroaked the screaming deaths head again. "Wow, you're incredible Valco! I don't even think I could train these guys, and I trained toothless!" I shouted, running toward him. "Toothless?" he asked. "Oh! He's a night fury. I wish you could meet him but... I can't seem to find him lately... I'm kinda worried." I said. "Don't worry, some dragons just like to go off alone sometimes." Valco said smiling. I smiled at the slightly taller boy. "Hey love birds you should wait till everyone is gone before you make out." Red head said. "Oh ha ha, very funny. anyways what're your names?" Valco asked. "Stinger, that's death, and skrill" The boy said pointing to red head and brunette. "Those sound like dragon names." I said. "They are, all the people in our tribe have them. Death is the cheifs daughter. next in line for leadership. Come on, we'll show you our home." Stinger said. "Cool! Come on Hiccup!" Valco said, following the three dragon riders. "Well, if you say so!" I said following him. "So where are you from Valco?" I asked. "I come from an abandoned island, I was raised by dragons, a red death to be exact. I hated her." Valco said with a scowl. "Wow... no wonder you're so good with dragons." I said trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah... that's why." he said smiling to himself. "Ya know for someone with such an intimidating name, you act a bit like a girl." I said chuckling. "Oh shut up." he said smiling. I was so busy talking to Valco I almost ran into Stinger when he stopped. "This is home." he said looking at a large glowing cave. Desha scooped Valco and I up on her back. She looked back at us and frowned. "What's wrong?" Valco asked. She huffed and used her head to push Valco and I together. "Gah, uhm... Desha stop." Valco said as his cheek touched mine, causing me to blush. She made a sound similar to laughing and picked me up with her tail. "Ah! Desha!" I screamed. She put me down.... on Valco's lap. smirking as both our faces turned battle red. "Desha. bad girl." Valco said. I was about to cross onto the other seat when Desha used her tail to snap the obsidian clean off. "Oh wow you suck." I said, sitting back down on Valco's lap. "Desha why!?" he shouted. she just proceeded laughing and walked into the cave with stinger, death, and skrill. "You two look all snuggled up together." Skrill said chuckling. "Oh hardy har har, the dragon snapped the back seat off." I said blushing slightly. "Sounds like a frisky dragon." Death said while laughing. "I think she wants us to be a couple for some reason." Valco said, poking Desha's back. Desha laughed and continued following the riders. "So why don't you become a couple?" Skrill asked. "W-what? I just met him and besides I have a girlfriend." I said blushing even more. "But you two look so cute together!" Death shouted. "Yeah, no." I said looking down. "Tell yah what, if you kiss his cheek... we'll give you one of our rainsouls." Death said. "What's a rsinsoul?" I asked. "it's a mystery class dragon, about the size of a nightfury. it actually has about the same shape, but with antlers, it also has a colorful rainbow pattern and is speckled in blue. it's an alpha breed." Skrill said. "Offer still stands." Death replied smirking. "Did I mention they make good girlfriend gifts?" Skrill said. My mind flashed to Astrid and her distance lately... I needed that dragon. "Valco?" I asked. "Yeh Hiccup?" he replied, looking at me. "I really need that dragon." I replied. "ooooooh~" the girls said. "Kiss em on the lips you get two dragons!" Skrill said. "... fine." Valco said and turned his cheek toward me. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I leaned in and just when I was about to kiss his cheek he turned and kissed me on the lips. My eyes widened and I pulled back. "OH MY THOR OH MY THOR OH MY THOR!" Skrill shouted, Death just sqealed... I blushed darker than a monstrous nightmares scales. "Now we both get dragons." Valco said blushing. "Oh my gods I can't believe you just did that." I said. "Sorry." He said. Desha looked back and winked. We got to the end of a tunnel and found a large cave filled with people, and dragons alike. "No hard feelings right Hiccup?" Valco asked. "N-no, it's a rare dragon and I'm sure you have your reasons. I totally understand." I said scratching the back of my head. I hopped off the dragon first and then Valco. Astrid can never know about the events of the day. ever. The three riders led us to a large gouge in the cave wall, where a man sat on an obsidian throne. "This is my father, Red." Death said smiling at him. "Hi sweetie, who have you brought?" he asked. "Well we made a bet with these guys and now they get some rainsouls cuz they did the bet." She answered. "What was the bet?" he asked. Valco and I both blushed. "Oooh nothin special~" Death replied. He nodded. "Well your word is law princess, give them their dragons." He said and shooed us off. Death led us to a beautifully shimmering cave, which held many luminescent rainbow colored dragons, that resembled night furies. "Wow! they're beautiful!" Valco said steppin in. "You can't pick one, they'll pick you." She said. I nodded and stepped forward. A blue green and purple one stuck it's head up. it's eyes were bright green. "Hey boy." I said as it stepped closer to me. '₩|-|○ /\]= /○□' (who are you?) " I'm Hiccup, I see you know dragon scratch, thats cool! What's your name?" I asked. '{|¤|-|+|_={{' (sightless.) "Why is your name sightless?" I asked. '|▲▲ |●|_|~■' (I'm blind) "And yet you write perfectly! I'm impressed! but doesn't your name become depressing?" '/={ \/=]/ ▲▲□<|-| {○' (yes very much so.) "You look more like a... a River to me." I said. He smiled and licked my face. '| <|-|○○{= /○□.' (I choose you.) I smiled and patted the dragons head. I looked over to see Valco playing with three baby rainsouls, one of them was yellow pink and orange another red blue and purple and the last was black white and red, like Valco's armor. Valco picked up the red black and white one. "Wanna come home with me little fella?" it nodded vigorously and proceeded to spray mist on his face. "Aaaah! it's cold!" he shouted while laughing. I giggled and got on River's back. Valco picked up his dragon and stepped toward Desha, who bowed her head to allow him on.  "Come on Valco, we should go." I told him, and River began walking out of the tunnel. Desha followed suit. While we were flying I couldn't help but think about all that happened today, Valco coming to Berk, Seeing a white fireworm, meeting another viking tribe, and... kissing someone I just met... a guy no less. But the one thing that lay heaviest, is that I still haven't found toothless... We arrived on Berk and Valco turned to me. "Well I'm gonna get some shut eye, I'm sure Toothless is fine Hiccup." He said and went with both of his dragons to his house. I sighed and went to Astrid's house first. Knocking lightly on the door, I waited for Astrid to answer. Before she came out I turned to River. "Hey buddy, you're gonna belong to Astrid okay?" I asked. '~○' (No.) "Why?" '| <|-|○{= /○□.' (I chose you.) "Darnit! fine... I guess I'll just show you to her... Are you all like this?" I asked. '■=|>=~■{ ○~ +|-|= ■]/\¤○~.' (Depends on the dragon.) he replied. "of course." I said, then thr door knocked me over. "Oh, hi Hiccup." Astrid said smiling. "Hi Astrid! Wanna see something cool?" I asked. "Yes! Always!" she said smiling. "River, come here!" I called. He stepped out and Astrid gaped at his glowing form. "This is River, my new rainsoul dragon." I said patting his head. "He's beautiful... how did you train him? Where's he from?" She asked. "Well, they don't really need training they choose you, and I found him on an island my new friend Valco showed me." I said, holding back a blush. "Who's Valco?" Astrid asked. "Oh! He's this guy who trains dragons, he rides a white fireworm. He's cool." I said. "He sounds like it... Well bye Hiccup..." she said and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and walked off toward my house. River entered and decided to sleep down stairs. I went up and found toothless, smiling with a little baby rainsoul in his mouth, the colors of red black and white. "Hey Toothless! isn't that Valco's dragon?" I asked and stepped forward. Toothless placed the little rainsoul down and watched it run over to me. It had a note on its neck. 'Hey buddy, saw the dragon rejected you, maybe you could give her him?' is what it said. "Wow, that's nice." I said smiling. "However.... I think I'll keep him..." Toothless smiled at me. "Good boy." I said patting his head and laying down. "Good night..."

The secrets of a nightfury (human!Toothless x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now