Chapter Two

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Silence can be excruciating. Virgil figured this out during the long year he'd spent a prisoner. No sound was so much more unnerving than too much sound; sure, too much would cause a sensory overload, but nothing would drive you insane.

He let out a heavy sigh, unable to stand the silence of his room any longer. Turning away from the window, the dark prince walked toward the door and slipped into the hallway. There was an art form that came with avoiding people. Virgil had perfected it over the last year. He didn't want to talk or see people unless he absolutely had to and avoiding them entirely was the easiest solution to that problem.

Virgil hurried through the halls of the castle but stayed silent as he did so. He couldn't attract attention to himself by making loud footsteps. He headed for the garden, knowing it was the one place he could feel alone but not surrounded by silence at the same time.

The cool and refreshing air hit him suddenly, and he remembered how long it had been since he left the palace. He took a deep breath of it, feeling his anxieties fade a little. Fresh air always helped to clear his mind. The gentle rustling of the tree branches over his head as he walked calmed him and provided ambiance. He felt at peace for the first time in over a week.

The dark prince continued his walk through the garden until he reached the edge of it. He sighed heavily and gazed at the forest just beyond the hedges. An idea struck him then that he could practice his magic.

It wasn't a secret anymore that he had powers. He didn't have to hide them anymore, which meant that he could practice them... so long as he kept himself away from everyone else as he did so. He refused to use any of his powers around other people because of the incidents that had happened in years prior. It would be very easy to slip up and injure someone like he had Luis.

Risking a glace over his shoulder, Virgil took a deep breath and stepped through the hedges. He headed for the woods, weaving through the trees as he searched for a safe place to practice his magic.

He came across a clearing that allowed him to see the grey sky overhead as he paused to look around. He recalled running through these woods over two years ago when he was first discovered to have dark magic. A sigh escaped his lips. Before that, things were so much easier. Things were simpler.

Shaking out his head, he raised his hands and focused on the dark energy he could feel gathering all around him. He felt the air go cold as his skin grew paler. His hands turned black as the energy flowed into them. When Virgil opened his eyes, he knew they were glowing purple. He felt the strength that he experienced when fighting Tsyla Tac last year. It was so... addictive.

Clapping, electricity surging across the clearing. Virgil raised his hand and shot a distinctive electric bolt at a tree. It hit the bark with a crack, the tree splitting clean in half. The trunk collapsed and landed. A rumble echoed from the ground that vibrated under his feet. He stomped a foot, sending shock waves that rippled across the grass. He huffed, taking deep breaths as he focused his powers. He summoned his black mist to form skeletons, capable of fighting back against his attacks.

After having to fight Tsyla Tac and the dark undead dark wizards, he realized just how unprepared he was to handle the threat that had been unleashed into the world. There was a war on the horizon and he needed to be prepared to fight.

The skeletons drew swords and prepared to attack him. "Okay, let's do this," he muttered.

He fought them with ferocity he didn't know he had. He obliterated them, striking them with accuracy and intensity that caused them to shatter and disappear. It took a lot out of him, but he felt stronger with each foe he defeated.

When the last one fell, he heard a footstep behind him. Virgil whipped around to face them with teeth bared and his hand charged with electricity.

"Whoa, whoa, it's me!" Roman exclaimed, grabbing his wrist to stop the blow.

The dark prince snapped out of it, dropping his powers immediately. His eyes stopped glowing, the air's warmth returned, his hands returned to their normal color. He focused on the prince's face, recognition overcoming the urge to continue using his powers.

"Man, you really showed those guys," he said with a chuckle. He then noticed that the he wasn't laughing and quickly his expression changed to one of concern. "Are you alright?"

Virgil tore himself away and backed up, dropping his gaze and hiding his eyes behind his bangs. Pain throbbed through the prince's chest at his actions as he sighed. "How long are you going to keep ignoring me?

He shook his head and took a couple steps back. "I'm... I'm not ignoring you," he said in a whisper.

"Really? So dodging me in the hallway? Leaving the room when I enter? What do you call that exactly, Virgil?" he demanded. The dark prince flinched and instantly the prince regretted his tone. "I'm sorry, Virgil, I just... I missed you so much, and now you're back, but it's like you're still gone. I don't know what I did wrong!"

"You didn't do anything wrong," Virgil replied, eyebrows furrowing together as he attempted not to cry. "I'm the one that did all the wrong and I'm sick of you paying the price for it."

Roman looked lost and sad when he finally raised his eyes to meet his. "Virgil, what are you talking about-"

"Don't act like you don't know! Why is everyone pretending I'm not the bad guy here?!" he practically yelled, turning away from him. "It's because of me that Dorchadas even had a chance to return! It's because of me that you, Luis, and Thorn almost died. It's because of me that the world is being threatened by the most powerful dark mage ever to exist! Why is everyone ignoring that?! Can't you see that I'm just trying to protect you by keeping my distance?! I don't-"

He cut himself off as tears rolled down his cheeks. He shook his head, sniffling. "I can't hurt you again," he whispered before running past the prince back toward the palace.

Cruel - Prinxiety [Sequel to "Savage"] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now