Chapter Seven

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Screams and smoke filled the air as chaos broke out. Mages in dark robes appeared from seemingly nowhere, creating destruction wherever they could as illusionists terrorized citizens. Royal guards with magic were engaging the enemy while those without stayed back to escort civilians to safety.

Virgil's eyes scanned the town that had become a battlefield. His home was being destroyed. Houses had been lit on fire, the streets were cracking, and the flags bearing his kingdom's crest were torn to shreds. His blood began to boil with anger.

Usually when he felt his temper growing, he shut it down quickly. It was dangerous to let his emotions run rampant when they had such a drastic effect on his powers. However, this time he let them flow. He channeled that anger as he watched dark mages strike. The sky grew darker than it had before, swirling with crackling clouds. Virgil felt electricity surging from his veins and he opened his eyes.

The dark mages before him noticed the change and shared a look among themselves. There was fear in their eyes, making the dark prince's grin spread wider as he stalked toward them.

His walk turned into a run as he leapt toward them. He unleashed his powers and his anger, punching them with crackling black fists. He stomped his foot, sending surges of electricity through the ground. As he fought, something hit his shoulder. A dark mage had thrown a ball of energy at him.

He glanced down at where the energy ball had hit him and just laughed, looking back at them with a look of death in his eyes. They panicked, throwing multiple magical projectiles at him but he deflected them effortlessly. He stalked closer to the dark mage until he was within reach of him. Virgil grabbed him by the throat and pulled him close. "What is your goal?" he growled, voice echoing. "What does your master desire?"

"For- For dark mages to take their place as the superior magic users, as the rightful rulers," the dark mage stammered, looking terrified of him.

Virgil's eyes narrowed. "What is the purpose of this attack? To cause fear? To kill?"

"He wanted to-"

"I'll take it from here, Errat," a smooth and sultry voice said from behind Virgil.

The dark prince turned, still clutching the young dark mage's throat. The man his gaze landed on was familiar to him. He frowned with disgust as he recognized the deformed and scaled face of the man who'd tried to deceive him into thinking he was with Roman during his imprisonment. He shoved the dark mage to the ground and faced him.

"You... I expected I hadn't seen the last of you," Virgil said icily. "But I'm afraid I never got your name before."

"I'm so sorry about our previous meeting Virgil, allow me to offer some amends by giving you that information," the snake-like man said, smiling. He raised his hand and removed the yellow glove from it. "My name is Janus."

The dark prince stared at the illusionist. "What is it that you get out of all this, Janus?"

"Why, a place in society of course," Janus replied animatedly. He chuckled and began to circle him as he spoke. "Just think about it Virgil, people like me are treated like mistakes. Our deformities are looked upon in horror. We're not human beings to the rest of the world. Dorchadas has promised illusionists a place in his new world."

"And you believe him?" Virgil challenged, straightening his back. "You believe that he will treat you with respect if he gets what he wants?"

The illusionist laughed and shook his head. "Of course I don't believe him," he said. "But I'm afraid you and your picture perfect parents have given people like me no other choice than to take the risk. I'd rather have to fight my way to freedom at the end of this than live in the shadows for the entirety of my life."

"There's always a choice," Virgil replied, following him with his eyes closely. "You and the other illusionists could help us fight him; then perhaps my father will be willing to pass laws in your favor and grant you the protection you desire."

"I don't want protection, I want rights," Janus hissed. He looked agitated by his remark, but he caught himself losing his temper and took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter."

Shaking his head, the dark prince raised his hand, charged with electricity. "Then why attack us now? Why attack civilians? Innocents?" he asked accusingly. "If you believe so strongly in not punishing those who don't deserve it, how can you use your powers against these people?"

"Oh Virgil, it has nothing to do with them," he replied, smiling. "And everything to do with you."

"So that's your goal then? To kill me?"

Janus laughed again and rolled his eyes. "If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so already. No, Dorchadas wants you alive. After all, you're his chosen successor."

A chill ran through Virgil's blood that made his eyes flicker back to brown and his confidence falter. He felt his throat close up. "What..." he breathed, feeling panic return. "What do you mean? I'm not- I would never help him! I am not-"

"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice," Janus said, suddenly appearing directly behind him. He grabbed his face and pulled it toward his as he muttered into his ear. "Just come with us, and this fighting can stop. Don't you feel the pull of the darkness? Don't you remember? You're the one who brought him back. You freed him from his eternal prison Virgil. You can't escape who you are."

Virgil was trembling at this point and his vision had gone blurry with tears. He felt the hope draining from his body. He thought he was a goner when suddenly Janus wasn't holding him anymore.

He gasped back into reality, falling to his knees. The snake-like man was a few yards away on the ground, having been thrown there by the man standing protectively in front of Virgil. The dark prince looked up to see Roman. He held his flaming sword before him and braced himself between Virgil and the illusionist.

"Touch him again, and I'll slice your hands clean off," he threatened, keeping his eyes on the illusionist.

Janus looked around, seeing that they were losing the fight and retreating. He just chuckled and looked toward Virgil. There was a look in his eyes that the dark prince couldn't place. This knowing look... He felt his stomach twist as Janus and the other dark mages disappeared the same way they had arrived.

Cruel - Prinxiety [Sequel to "Savage"] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now