Uh Oh (Johnny, Mark, and Jungwoo)

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My mom told me to never go into the basement. No matter what. But, ever since I was a kid, I questioned why we couldn't, she never answered why. It was only 12 am on a chilly night when I finally decided to venture into the unknown with my best friends, Mark and Johnny.

Mark: "Y'all go first."
Johnny: "No, u."
Mark: "You make a good point, I'll go first."
Jungwoo: "Yes."
Mark: "Ok, I'm going Mr. Johnny."

Mark creaked the door open, slowly and the dank smell of fresh diarrhea wafted into all of our noses.

Jungwoo: "Mark did you shit yourself already?"
Mark: "Nah."
Johnny: "Then it must be coming from down there.."

We took our first step into the basement, holding our noses and trying not to vomit from the overwhelming smell of poopoo.

The unknown voice: "Uh oh...."
Johnny: "Jungwoo, What was that?"
Jungwoo: "Nothing probably the wind lol."

We took a few more steps down and the smell became stronger.

The unknown voice: "Stiiiinnnkkkyyyyyy~"
Jungwoo: "Mark, what was that?"
Mark: "I don't know Jungwoo... What on Earth?.."

We all reached the bottom with our shirts over our noses; struggling to breathe without the smell of diarrhea going into our lungs. Our eyes widened and our jaws dropped to the ground. It was him... those dreaded eyes... and that mouth.. the mouth we could never forget. He sat there in a pile of shit, grabbing it and playing with it, murmuring those words...

HIM: poooop AHAHAHA POOOPies funnY POOPIES. ahahahaaaaaa

We bolted upstairs, but I tripped and fell back down the stairs

Jungwoo: Go on without me
Mark and Johnny: OK, BYE BITCH
Jungwoo: I'm vibin'

And at that moment, I got swept away into the darkness and disappeared from their eyes. That was the last time I saw them...



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