Muriel x Reader oneshot

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You were just walking around the forest looking for an ingredient that Muriel had needed for a while, he's heard of it but never seen it. What you've read from the books that Asra had lended you and knew what the discription of what it looked like. A strange sound had come from behind you, as you turn around it was just inanna following you but she tugged onto your trousers for you to follow her

"Inanna? Where do you need me to go?"
She just kept tugging and you gave up following the wolf back to Muriels hut.
"A-ah....(Y/N) your here."

From where you stood seeing muriel sit on the ground and pet and swaddle the little flock of chickens that have come by today, carefully trying to get by and you sit next to Muriel seeing this side of him warmed your hear, his smile, the way he looked so peaceful and at ease made you realise why you fell in love with him in the first place was because he was calm and gentle even though he was big, strong and mascular on the outside you loved it, you loved him

"So they came by today to visit huh?" You looked at him smiling. He turned his head to yours kissing you're forehead
"Yes they did (Y/N), its good to see them well and happy" to exclaimes in his low yet calm and manner of a voice.

One of the chickens walked up to you and poked at your hair before crawling into your lap and sat there in you're lap. You giggled some and smiled, Muriel smiled at well and pet the chicken in his arms.

The peace and quiet of the forest felt nice, a nice place to relax especially with you're loved one you cherrish so deeply about

"I love you Muriel" you exclaimed fo him as you leaned against him resting your body
" you too (Y/N), Thank you for choosing to stay with me..."

You both exchanged looks and a nice warm rosey pink spread across both of you're faces from the tip of your noses to tbw round topnof your ears and then he smiled as his big hand held you'r own. Inanna was just laying down as the chickens climbed all over her in which she didn't care for it. Everything was nice and right with the world everything had a balance and you think you have found your own. You slowly leaned into Muriles face, your warm breath only slightly brushing against him.
"...(Y/N)" he called out wanting more then just holding hands oh no

He took one of his big hands and cupped your face, your face compared to his hand it was like holding a small rock to Muriel that he could crush easily. His big gentle hand rested as he rubbed his thumb on your cheek and both leaned, feeling his warm lips against yours and the feeling of his hand gave you butterflies in your stomach. You both shared your tender kiss holding for a few moments before you put yourself in his lap and more chickens surrounded you and muriel both. Muriel wrapped hid big yet gentle arms around you carefully as he rested his hand on yours it was nice
The day had slowly went by and you spent it with Muriel,today was a nice day you thought.
Wow this felt like it took forever, im not the best at oneshots yet but i wanna try and get to it but for now this will have to do uwu hope you have enjoyed this oneshot and expect many more to come! I also create an oc series and more will be added there so go check it out when you want^^ ok bye!

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