Lucio x Reader oneshot

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You had been invited to the the palace by Lucio himself, what could he want now? His annoying bragging but his soft side has a different story to him. You packed you're things because you knew Lucio would want you to stay, asra was out on another adventure anyway. Grabbing the keys off the hook nearby you grabbed you're luggage and headed out locking the door and setting a spell so no one would break in just for extra measures. You started you're walk to the palace saying hello to the people who said hello to you.

You entered near the palace, the gates opened welcoming you. You took you're time looking at the palace, everytime you came here it was like a warm welcome like new. As you made you're way to the giant doors Lucio being all well and hyped stood there waiting for you as he rushed and hugged you firm as he gave you kisses across you're face
"Its been to long (Y/N) the palace is boring without you here!"
You smiled returning his hug and giggled when he planted kissed on you.
"Its good to see you too Lucio"
He smiled and let go but took you're hand and demanded someone take you're bags to his room.
A servant took you're bags and rushed off as you blushed, his room?! Why his room you always slept in the guest room but you guess it wouldn't hurt.
"Now, (Y/N) must be hungry are you not?"
You nodded you're head a bit
"I am a bit maybe a fruit salad please?"
He smiled at you're well mannered self he could learn a thing or two from you.
"Of course! (Y/N) but let's make it ourselves then because I'll have one too!"

The two of you made you're way to the kitchen saying hello to Portia before leaving into the kitchen grabbing 5 strawberries, a handful of blueberries, a melon, and a pineapple.
Lucio wanted to help any way he could, so you taught him how to cut a melon and a pineapple sense the strawberries were easy and there was no need for blueberries to be cut.
A while after the two bowls of fruit were finished as you both took off to the dining room both sat and ate while they talked away laughing at a few things you both joked around about. Be made mention about asra but you shut him up for that, it was rude.
"Awe c'mon (Y/N) it wasn't supposed to be rude it's just how he is"
You rolled you're eyes as a servant came and took the bowls away once you both were finished.
Lucio took you're hand and led to the garden something special he wanted to show you and tell you.

At the gardens you both walked around as he put out his arm and you hooked you're arm around his linked together
"Now it's like were joined by you're blood again"
You laughed a bit and nudged him a little. You both stopped at the beautiful fountain its where you often read you're books when you visit the palace sometimes.
"(Y/N) I have something I want isn't right"
His face turned red as he had you sit on the ledge of the fountain, you're blush mocked his red face
"What is it?" You wondered curious
"Well...sense I've met you that day you've agreed to help bring me back I'm thankful and I'm happy you changed the way i look at things yes i may be bossy most the time but that's because I want the best for" he had to clear his throat as he pulled a small box from his pocket kneeling in front of you, you gasped covering you're mouth tears from a little as he opened it presenting a ring to you
"(Y/N) you have...made me so happy..and I want to be with you at you're side and have many more do the honors..of marrying me? I get it if you sa-"
Before he could say more you hug him tightly and start crying
"Yes yes yes! I will!"
You let go of him as he placed the ring on you're finger, once he did he picked you up and spun you around so happy he started to cry to.
He set you down as you both shared a tender kiss as you both held eachother

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