Asra x Reader oneshot

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You had started walking back from the merchants after buying a couple things asra needed for the shop, you both ran out of ingredients and a couple herbs for the shop that's when you offered to go and retrieve some more so he had you take Faust just in case.
As you kept walking Faust poked her head out from the stachel you had around you
"Yes faust were going home now, worry it took so long"
She stuck her tongue out
You looked up to the sky as it started dripping rain calmly. You started to hurry back to the shop but you got caught in the rain as it came down harder than it was a second again, this time you booked it back to the shop.

You swung open the shop door and shut it close once you were inside soaked from you head to your toes,
Faust slithered out onto the floor and covered herself under blankets to dry off. Asra came down stairs from you're bedroom seeing you wet from the heavy pour of the rain outside as you put your satchel up on the hook
"I got the Ingrediant and herbs but I got caught in the rain"
He chuckled a bit
"I can see that but at least you're ok, I'll take care of the items go get yourself changed upstairs and dry off before you catch a cold"
Asra smiled as he kissed you're forehead and went to the satchel as you went upstairs to change.

As you started to get finished you started to smell the scent of tea being brewed and put a shirt on and went downstairs.
"I smell tea"
"Well I'm making some, care to join me?"
You nodded you're head
"Yes I will"
You went to his side as he looked to you, you were wearing his clothes
Asra smiled and chuckled a bit
"Why are you wearing my clothes?"
You blushed and nudged him
"Well why not?"
"I was just teasing but my clothes look good on you" he smiled at his compliment to you as you smiled with a small giggle.

As tea was done you both went into the room with comfy pillows, silks and blankets. Both of you decided to lay down for a bit and maybe take a nap
"Yes asra?"
He cleared his throat as you both played on the pillows taking a sip of tea from his cup
"I was just wondering...what do you like about me?"
You gasped a bit and looked at Asra blush spread to you're ears and through you're whole face
"Well...I think you're really nice, you're there for me when I need you and you are like...I dont a lover I guess"
He blushed as well
"A lover? Does that make me yours then?"
"I-...I guess so then beca-"
He cupped you're face his purple amethyst eyes starting into you're (E/C) eyes he leaned in and gently kissed you wrapping his arms around you.
You melted into his touch and his kiss and you both closed you're eyes savoring the moment.

Asra released from the kiss and pulled you in wrapping himself around you like a spoon pulling a sheet over the both of you
"Let's take a nap I bet you're tired "
You nodded gently and curled yourself up to him as Faust joined in as well.
You both fell asleep to the rain and the scent of lavender that filled the room

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