No one likes digging anyway.

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All she wanted was a simple dinner party. She could finally relax with all of her friends over a nice dinner.

But now, Elsie's fate was just sealed.

Under the dim moonlight from the night sky, they were all gathered around the empty coffin. Not a single one of them moved. The wind howled and tugged at Elsie's dress as she took a deep breath of the stale air. Elsie didn't realize she was shaking - either from fear or the cold - untill this moment.

"Alright... Your votes are in." Anne said, opening the glass double doors to the courtyard. She was wearing a tight, inky black wool jacket over her 1920's dress that looked like it was suffocating her arms, as if they weren't thin enough. Following at her heels was the mysterious Elijah, tall and hidden amongst the dying light.

Elsie held her breath. Almost everyone hated her, thinking she was the reason that her friends were dropping dead. First it was Colton and the food poisoning, then Kelly and the broken AC system... Elsie tried to push those memories into the back of her mind, but they kept coming back. There was only three people that she knew of that wanted her to stay alive: Anne, Marvin, and the young man of which his name had been forgotten.

Elsie glanced at Raven, who was two people beside her. She glanced at Elsie with her violet eyes burning with hate, but her face held a cruel smile.

Elsie's heart dropped. Raven had voted for her, and she might've convinced the others to do the same.

Anne dug her gloved hand into the wooden box she was carrying. Elsie secretly kicked off her heels, ready to run. She also tucked her short blonde hair behind her ears and picked up her dress.

"And now... Your votes have chosen for one of us to be buried tonight in hopes of getting a better chance of escape." Anne said, a tarot card in one hand. She had in facing down, so not a soul could see what was chosen. She then took a swift glance and blinked hard.


Elsie screamed at them all, running as far as she could away from them. The cold grass kissed her feet a soft goodbye. In her blur of tears, she attempted to outrun them all. And she would've, if it weren't for him.

Like a hunter after his prey, A tall man in a dusted black coat had grabbed her from behind and threw her legs up, allowing two of her friends to grab her legs. They then began to drag her to her grave, with each step gaining screams and sobs.

"Please! Listen to me!" She wailed to anyone listening "Let me go! I won't screw up! I promise! I swear by it! I'll give you anything! Just don't take my life!".

"Oh, please!" said Raven, who was already carrying a rusted shovel. "Like whatever God out there's gonna help ya. Forget about it!"

Elsie choked back a sob, clawing at the arms around her waist. She tugged at the man's black sleeves, but he continued forward without missing a beat.

"Guys, this is sick!" Shouted the young man from before. His blonde hair was soaked with dew and his glasses were cracked. Anne nodded behind him in agreement, but they still continued forward untill she was placed into her grave, in which turned to become her deathbed.

((How was that?))

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