Cheering for the Dead (W.I.P)

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Matthew banged his fist on the glass table, causing it to shake. His eyes were littered with tears and his breath came in jagged gasps. His blonde hair was caked in mud and his designer jacket was soaked. He threw his cracked glasses on the table.

"Damnit! It should've be me!" He raged. Joey, Mortimer, Calliope and Manny remained quiet, but Nikita was having none of it.

"Well, if you should've been you, Then why wasn't it?" She asked, her voice harsh. She straightened her hot pink dress. "Ro was nearly puking her guts out trying to win, and you were halfway done before she was even done with her third drink. So if you really wanted her to be here, you should've waited. And speaking of guts, why don't you cry to Safia instead? You know, save us the trouble? Oh, wait... She's dead too.".

Matthew balled his fists. "Alright, fine. You got me. Just, let me..."

Matthew quickly jumped to his feet and swung his right fist at Nikita. With a loud yelp, Nikita ducked, but before she could Matthew had grabbed her hair and thrown her into the couch.

The couch moved along with Nikita. She fell backwards, tipping over the entire couch and falling on her arm. "My hair!" She mumbled, but something caught her eye.

A small wooden box with blue stones designed into a pattern had slid near Calliope's foot. She picked it up in curiosity and shook it. "I wonder what this is..." She whispered in her quiet tone. Before she could Inspect further, Manny snatched it and the box opened with a click!

"The hell?" He whispered, Joey looking over his shoulder. Manny grabbed it's contains and threw the box to the side. Joey gagged and walked off, looking uneasy.

Manny held a thick, black choker, with silver spikes embedded with blood. In the front hung a single human eyeball, staring endlessly.

"I don't like the looks of that..." Mortimer sighed, taking it gently from Manny. He then held it up to the ceiling light, inspecting the choker.

Nikita got up and placed an arm on Mortimer's shoulder. "Oh, looks like a choker. Mind if I...?" She then gently took the choker from him and placed it on without further questions.

As if on que, the eyeball blinked, and the doors to the arcade slammed open.

"Hello!" Said an awfully cheery voice. A girl dress like a cheerleader skipped in, with a demon at her side. Her face was covered in clown makeup and her alburn hair was tided back into tight pigtails. A bloody baseball bat shot chills up Matthew's spine. Her demon dog was even uglier then her.

"Who the hell are you? How'd you get in here??" Asked Calliope, taking a step forward.

"Who am I? Have you guys been living under rocks for the past few hours?!" The cheerleader asked. She then skipped forward, jumping into the glass table. She swung her bat over her shoulder. "I am Lucy, daughter of the Carnival Master and official cheerleader of EverLock!" She then glanced at her demon. "And this is Humphrey.".

Humphrey growled, causing Matthew's stomach to turn.

"Well well well, looks like a nice party you guys have going on here!" said Lucy, looking around the room. Her eyes then found Mortimer, and her entire mood changed from an awful cheer to lovesickness.

"Oh, well, aren't you a pretty one?" She said, stepping down from the table. She began to creep slowly towards Mortimer, who looked like he'd seen a ghost. He backed up to the wall, cornering himself. Lucy got on her toes, her face inches away from Mortimer's.

"Are you scared, love-bug? Are ya'?" She asked, her hands creeping into his jacket. Mortimer didn't dare to make eye contact, which was easy, considering his shoulder-length hair covered most of his face. Lucy continued "You should be, love-bug. Because something's creeped inside you..."

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