Piano keys

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(Dogeibi and Lox were created by atomic_toaster_, check her out!!)

The rain was pouring quite hard outside of the Paris penthouse. Drops of clear water dotted the glass windows that made up the walls of the large living room. Clay laid on one of the luxurious velvet sofas near the crackling fireplace, melting into the soft pillows.

"Quite the nice place, isn't it?" He said, wrapping himself in a wool blanket. "It's almost as beautiful as you.".

Dogeibi glanced at him from the kitchen, her eyes void of any emotion. "Don't flatter me. And please don't mess this place up. We came here for a mission and were given this place by our boss, remember?".

"Yeah yeah, I remember. I ain't that dumb." Said the Aussie, turning his head towards the high ceiling. His blonde hair fell messily over his face, the pigment-loss patches blurry in his view. His brain formed endless questions, even in his half asleep state.

"Hey, Dogeibi?" He asked, turning around to look at her. The woman stayed focus on her food, chopping up whatever she was preparing. Her red hair was tied into a high bun, the blue dye hidden. Lox was asleep on the marble countertop in a wooden bowl.

"What do you want?" She asked in her harsh tone. Clay hesitated before continuing, chosing his words carefully to not provoke her.

"Considering we're in Paris, which is know for it's... Aesthetic views, maybe we could... You know... Go out to dinner here sometime?".

Dogeibi looked up at him, placing her hands on her hips. Her bun flopped to the other side of her head. "As in a date?".

Clay nodded slowly, a guilty look on his face.

"Can't, won't, no." She said, shaking her head. "We came here for business reasons and I'm going to keep it that way. Besides..." She trailed off, looking at the countertop to avoid his neon gaze. "I'm with someone else.".

Clay froze, processing her words. His shock paralyzed him and stole his voice of words. "So you're dating someone?" He choked.

Dogeibi nodded. "Correct. I honestly thought you would catch on to that by now." She said, placing the chopped vegetable into a plastic container holding salad. "I'll be going out now, so don't wreck the place while I'm gone.".

Clay stayed silent, his gaze focused on the warm flames of the hearth. Dogeibi sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, alright? But it's not my fault you fell in love with me and I didn't return your feelings, okay?" She said, frustration rising in her tone. "You need to wake up to the real world that constantly changing. Fall out of your sleep.".

And with that, she left, Lox following her out the door before she slammed it. Clay sat up, bloodrush giving him a slight headache. He turned into the pouring rain, with the gray clouds consuming the once blue sky. He got up and walked to the glass, his dim reflection looking back at him.

What was wrong was him? Was it his face? His neon eyes and his strong jaw, or the burns all over that left patches of skin discolored? Maybe it was his mildly strong frame; was he not strong enough? Was it the lizard tail that he gained from the blast, cursing him with an ugly green tail forever?

I was once a handsome man, but I guess once you lose it, you're done.

His head rested on the cold glass, cooling his restless mind. He glanced over towards the grand piano he hadn't touched since they got here. It called out to him, begging him to play the keys the had been left untouched and vent his heart out. He walked over hesitantly, brushing his rough hand over the keys, creating a soft crescendo that echos throughout the empty house a hundred stories up.

"I was fine." He sang to himself softly, taking a seat in front of the beautiful piano. The rain seemed to sing along to the keys he pressed. "With a man who came into her life every now and again.".

"I was fine, cause I knew that they didn't really matter untill you

I was fine, when she came, but we fought like it was some stupid game

Over you, who you'd choose, and I never thought I'd ever lose.".

Clay paused, breathing softly before continuing. His hadn't lost his singing voice after all. He sung louder, letting his voice echo around the penthouse like a bird now freed into the world.

"It's... over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?
It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over??

They won, and you chose them, and you loved them now your gone...".

Clay looked down at the key, his tears falling on his patched hands. His shot heart felt like it was never going to heal from the fatal blow of love.

"It's over, why can I move on?".


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