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(woah, some actual Canon stuff? Nani??)


The fire spread everywhere that the eyes could see. Everything that was sparked ablaze was consumed in minutes. The trees, the crops, the small wooden huts that the people called their homes, people- everything slowly burning to the ground.

The small village was full of screams and screeches. The inhabitants were full of fallen Celestials- beings with wings like birds on their back. Every single one of them were either running around screaming or caught dying in the flames around them.

Amber watched it all unfold with a smile on her face. She craved her people's screams and their blood. It wasn't hard to slip in their lines- the arsonist was a beautiful young Celestial with a familiar face. Her beauty got her into their homes and her wings gave her cover. They never suspected a thing.

"Oh, think your indestructible now, huh?" She spoke in a pleased tone. "Think your so special because the wings on your damned backs? Think you deserve to be treated like kings and queens? You deserve nothing. "

Behind her were four of her most trusted people: Her lover Isaac, Her sister Reyna, and her bodyguard Finn and her master Davoil. Isaac stepped up, looking at her behind his cat-like mask. "Are we done here, or do you want to go finish them off?" He asked.

Amber turned to look at him, then to Davoil. "Mind if we go down there and finish them off?".

Davoil's violet eyes were lit by the dancing flames. "Isaac, bring back any survivors. We'll deal with them later. Kill a few if you have too.". She then turned to Amber, her silver hair riding the gentle breeze. "You have someone you want dead down there, don't you?".

Amber nodded, aware of her next command.

"Take him out. I don't care how, just do it." Davoil said, leaning against a tree that hadn't been set ablaze. Isaac ran down the hill, claws ready to attack. He disappeared into the flames, follow by a few shouts and more screaming.

"You coming?" Amber asked Finn, who looked terrified. Amber had dragged him out of the village before she had set fire to it. His snowy owl-like wings were folded against his chest for comfort. "No." He said, shaking his head.

Amber shrugged and ran down the hill, sprinting straight into the hellfire. The heat prickled her wings and skin, but it knew better not to kill off its mistress.

The wooden huts collapsed around her into piles of ash. She leaped over Celestial corpses quickly. Their wings had turned to dust from the sparks, and her's would probably turn out the same way if she wasn't quick enough.

At the center of the town near a well was her target. The frail king was stuck surrounded by burning hell. His black wings were covered with soot, but soaked with water. His enriched robes were covered in ash and dust.

His green eyes grew wide as he saw her approaching. Amber stalked forward like the demon she was, the flames reflecting burning light to her face. "Look at it all." She said, her grin growing wide. "Look at it and tell me you care about your people.".

In his state of fear, the old celestian stayed quiet.

"So you don't care? I'd would say I was expecting better, but..." Amber drew her two daggers and through one arm around his shoulder, pulling him in close. "That'll be lying, wouldn't it?".

The celestial king stayed quiet for a moment, chosing his next words carefully. "Why are you doing this to me?" He finally croaked.

"Why am I doing this to you?" Amber cackled. Her golden hair was covering her elegant face. "Even in your state of danger, you still think I'm doing this to just you, huh. Pathetic." She pushed the King away, throwing him closer to the flames. His crown laid on his messy salt-and-pepper hair. Amber walked closer to him and grabbed him by the neck.

"I am doing this to your people." She growled, the smile on her face lost forever in the smoke. "Killing you would be a blessing. Your a king of Nothing.". She trailed off, silence by the flames. She looked into the king's fear green eyes.

"I've had a change of heart." Amber declared. "When I put you down, I'm giving you five seconds to run." She placed him on the ground, still holding him by the neck. "If I can still see you by then, I'll place your head along with many others on my walls. Got that?".

The king nodded hastily, grabbing Amber wrist. "Remember this, Amber." He growled. "You are no leader. You don't even deserve to call yourself a celestial!".

Amber freed him from her grasps. "I'll be a better king then you ever was.".

As the king ran faster and faster away into the night, Amber called up to the smokey sky, cackling. "Do you hear that, gods?! The mighty king is gone! The name Amber Tagmire will haunt the streets forevermore!".

"I'll be a better king then my scumbag father ever was!".

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