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Warning: Mention of attempted rape.

Donghyuck was nervous but excited. He stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom making sure he looked alright, he had styled his hair nicely and made sure to wear his favorite nice sweatshirt. He took a deep breath and left the bathroom and went down the stairs with his backpack on his back and saw his parents looking as anxious as him. He smiled. "Let's get a picture first!" His mother said and stood him in front of their white front door and grabbed her phone. She raised it and aimed it towards him. "Smile sunshine" she said and he smiled brightly. She took a picture and Donghyuck watched as she studied it with a smile. She sniffed and he sighed.
"Ma, don't cry" he frowned and hugged her smelling her scent sour with sadness.
"You're just so grown up" she said and he heard his father chuckle. They hugged tightly before he left waving to his parents and saying he loves them. He shut the door and walked down the sidewalk towards the bus stop. He was nervous, it'll be his first ever experience of public school. He had been homeschooled all of his life because his parents constantly worried over him. Unlike others, Donghyuck's a late bloomer. He has yet to present but he surely knows he'll be a beta or even better, an alpha. He smiled and made it to his destination. Just as he saw a bus rounding the corner he saw a boy with pitch black hair running towards him and stopped mere inches away to bend over with his hands on his knees. He was panting heavily. He looked up at Donghyuck.
"Am I late?!" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Donghyuck knew the boy was an alpha instantly. He shook his head no and pointed towards the bus that was now stopping. The boy's worried frown switched to a bright smile that caused his eyes to close. "Oh thank goodness!" He said. The doors opened and he went towards them and turned looking at Donghyuck. "Coming?" He asked. Donghyuck nodded and quickly followed the other boy and they sat together in the middle row. "Oh! My name is Lee Jeno" he introduced himself offering his hand. Donghyuck noticed whenever the alpha smiled his eyes would disappear. He also had a pretty strong facial structure for a teen. He shook his hand.
"Lee Donghyuck" he said back with a smile excited to already had made a friend.
"Nice to meet you Donghyuck. Are you new?" He asked as the bus continued down the road. Other kids were chatting loudly excited for their first day back.
"I was homeschooled before" he said shyly and Jeno nodded.
"Don't worry! I'll show you around" he said. Donghyuck nodded with excitement.
"Okay, thanks!"

Once they made it off the bus Jeno had held his arm to lead him through the bodies of students from freshman all the way up to seniors. They managed to get in a semi-clear spot and someone came dashing over and launching themselves onto Jeno. "No Jam!" They shouted and Jeno had to let go of Donghyuck to hold the body.
"Nana!" He shouted back. Donghyuck smiled at the scene. He hoped he could do that soon too. "Nana this is Donghyuck, he's new. Donghyuck this is-" Jeno started but Nana interrupted holding a hand towards Donghyuck.
"Na Jaemin, nice to meet you Donghyuck" he said with a pretty smile. Jaemin was probably one of the most perfect betas he's seen.
"Nice to meet you too" he said and shook his hand. Jaemin leaned in closer.
"H-have you not presented yet?" Jaemin asked hesitantly. Donghyuck blushed and crossed his arms around himself.
"Jaemin don't be rude" Jeno pouted.
"N-no I haven't. It's okay, I knew people were going to ask me" Donghyuck gave a timid smile. Jaemin hugged him as an apology and Donghyuck melted into it, the beta scent seemed to help.
"Sorry I didn't mean to be rude" Jaemin pouted. Donghyuck hugged back.
"It's okay" he smiled. The bell rung once more and they had to find their first period class, thankfully they have it together. They sat close to each other and went over their schedules. Donghyuck found out he has first, third, forth, and seventh periods with Jeno and Jaemin. Obviously they had lunch together also. They talked about their summers and he found out that Jeno played a bunch of video games and that Jaemin swam and went on vacation.
First period went by quick surprisingly. Of course there was no homework since it was the first day of school. They just found out what they'll be learning and got introduced to their peers. He had to say goodbye to his new friends since he had to go the opposite direction to his new class.
"See ya in third?" Jaemin asked and Donghyuck nodded.
"Yep! See ya" he smiled and they parted. He felt a bit scared on his own. While he was walking he felt an uncomfortable shiver down his spine and his skin seemed to prick. He brushed it off calling it nerves and walked into his second period class. He looked to see their seating chart was on the Smartboard up front and he sat in his assigned seat. He noticed his desk partners name is Haung Renjun, he assumed he's Chinese due to the name. He felt that odd feeling once more but brushed it off again. Soon a small, petite boy walked in. He had beautiful dark hair, pale skin, but fierce eyes. The male sat down by Donghyuck and smiled.
"H-Hi I'm Renjun" the—what Donghyuck soon found out—omega introduced himself.
"I'm Donghyuck" he smiled brightly and they shook hands. Donghyuck continued to feel uncomfortable, he moved a bit in his seat. He felt hot, almost like he was burning. Was he that nervous?
In the middle of the lecture he saw the teacher pause from reading the handbook to look around with a frown. Renjun tapped Donghyuck's thigh and the younger felt a spark from it.
"Y-yeah?" He whispered.
"I... I think you're starting your heat?" Renjun said. He seemed uncomfortable bringing it up. Renjun had a protective hand on top of Donghyuck's as he glanced around the room.
"W-wait but I... does that mean-" Donghyuck gulped and Renjun looked at him with pity. He felt his stomach churn. He shot up his hand and asked to go to the restroom and the teacher nodded seeming to know what's going on. Donghyuck raced out catching some of the alphas and betas in his class covering their noses and looking at him with pity. He practically ran to the boys restroom. He felt like he was going to cry, anxiety crawled up his spine as he entered. There was an upperclassmen washing his hands at the sinks and Donghyuck walked past him and grabbed his phone from his pocket to text his mom to pick him up. He heard the sink turn off and footsteps walk away.
And then a long sniff.
"Fuck... dude" the upperclassmen cursed and turned towards Donghyuck. The younger paled seeing the orders eyes flash red. "You smell like heaven" they said. Donghyuck couldn't even say anything before he dropped to the floor holding his stomach with a whimper. The upperclassmen launched himself at the younger pining him to the tiled floor. Donghyuck started to thrash against the older.
"N-no! No!" He shouted. The older seemed lost in a haze. He growled. Deep, low, and commanding causing Donghyuck to freeze in his spot. No, no he wasn't suppose to be an omega. Not in this society. He started to cry and his sweatshirt and shirt were ripped off at the same time. He whimpered and screamed as loud as he could trying to get the teen alpha out of his haze. Instead the alpha slammed a hand on his mouth and started to touch his body. Donghyuck quickly reached a hand up clawing the older's face. The alpha yelped in surprise and let go.
"Help!" Donghyuck screamed. Not even a second later a male teacher came running inside along with a female. Both alphas. The male teacher grabbed the younger alpha pulling him away from Donghyuck. The female quickly went to Donghyuck and helped him up and put his clothes back on him.
"I'll take you to the office alright? We'll call your parents" she said calmly. Donghyuck was sobbing.
He didn't remember much about making it home but once he did his mom had to talk him through everything about being an omega. To track his heats, take suppressants, and other standard omega things. He hated every second of it. Constantly reminding him he's on the bottom of the food chain. He asked to be homeschooled once more and his parents agreed.
Although he continued homeschooling he still hung out with Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun since Jeno had refused to leave Donghyuck alone without friends and Donghyuck was glad the male was persistent.

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