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Edit: Just realized I didn't put a picture

I woke up to crying. Obvious fake electronic crying. I groaned and batted my eyes open and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and cringed at the brightness and immediately turned it down. I blinked a few times and checked the clock on my phone. 4 o'clock in the morning. I sighed and set my phone back down on my nightstand and wished for the crying to stop soon.
"Hyuckk make it stop" Renjun groaned and pulled the blanket over his body. I sighed and swung my legs out from under the blankets and stood up. I cracked my back and walked over to the playpen I had bought yesterday night after filing out the report. I picked up it up and went back to my bed and started to rock it gently. I kept the steady rhythm and let my eyes fall shut as I swayed a bit, I started to nod off and jolted awake when I felt the baby slipping from my arms. I held it protectively not wanting it to fall. I sighed and took the baby back to the pen since it had stopped crying. I set it down gently and put a blanket on top of it and went back to my bed climbing under the warm covers. As i was starting to fall asleep the baby started to cry again. "For fuck sakes" I groaned and threw off my blankets and went to the pen rubbing my eyes. I picked up the baby and held it close as I bent down to grab my backpack. I grabbed the bottle and sat criss cross on my bed and cradled the baby and placed the bottle to it's lips. It made noises to mimic a real baby drinking. I kept blinking trying to stay awake as I 'fed' the baby. Soon it was done so I set the bottle aside and started to burp it, patting and rubbing it's back. I soon heard the burping sound and sighed in relief and then groaned. In about five minutes it'll be crying again for a diaper change. I sat up against the wall and just held it. I kept nodding off until it started crying again. Diaper change. I grabbed the diaper from yesterday—we were provided with two and the packet said just to switch them every time you change the baby. I laid it down on its back and undressed the bottom part and took the other diaper off and put the new one on. Small giggles came from the machine. I dressed him once more and rocked him and he soon fell asleep. I went to the playpen and set him back down. I grabbed the log sheet and saw my writing from yesterday on "Day One."
Given male baby in class. At lunch it started to cry, rocking gently put it back to sleep and I placed it in the carrier once more, it cried again and I figured out I had to feed it. Baby is happy after being fed and burped. During that time I was unable to get my food because my alpha partner did not help. At all. He ignored his responsibility and when I asked him to help me he dismissed it.
I chuckled seeing me drag Mark through the dirt. I started to add a few notes to "Day Two" considering it was 4 o' clock in the morning when it woke me up and I logged in what I did to calm the baby. Once I finished I placed the sheet back in my bag and laid down and fell asleep once more.

The next day I walked into class feeling dead, the carrier weighing down my arm. It had woken me up three more times, the third time Renjun had left to stay with another omega he knew in the dorms, so I was alone. I knew I look like hell. My hair is a mess, there's bags under my eyes, and I didn't even bother dressing nice. I saw some of my other classmates carrying their babies, also looking dead, both partners looking dead. I scoffed thinking of my own. I went to my first class and went to my desk seeing Mark already there. I sat down and placed the baby between our chairs. Mark looked at me with confusion. The professor came in and looked around. "I know most of you have a project, but don't let it get in the way of this class." He said. Some people mumbled "yes sir" to the professor. In the middle of the class the baby started to cry and I looked at Mark. He didn't look away from his computed as he took notes. I glared.
"Your turn" I whispered and he shook his head no. I sighed and gently rocked the carrier and managed to calm him down after 6 minutes, and yes, I timed it. I grabbed the sheet and logged it. I wasn't the only one who had a baby and it started to cry in class so it made it less embarrassing.

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