Chapter 1

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My name is (Y/N), i'm 17 years old. Im a new student in a school named Cross Academy, I have (color) hair, (color) eyes, Im not all that tall, and I am kinda shy but I am friendly. I take sympathy on people's problems a'lot, and I don't like fighting. I don't like getting mad either, because I scare people for some reason when I am. I am a Tsundere type.
I used to live with my parents in (place), but now i left to start school on my own. I enrolled here because i heard it was a nice boarding school, and i hear the school is home to very nice people too, i only supported myself coming here because my parents were too far away to send me to school. Ive always wanted to try life on my own, and i guess now's my chance, because I've been with my parents all my life, and they were too over-protective...thats why i have few friends, but now, i can test myself to do more, and i hope i have more friends.

No ones P.O.V
(Y/N)'s first day of school wasn't including classes, she was just busy getting adjusted and making a map of the school and the dorms, and she promised to start classes the next day. She spent most of the day wandering around the school and checking things out.

I started walking around almost everywhere, i didn't attend class today, i wanted to know about the surroundings of the school and i wanted to know a few people already here.
I walked by a fountain, which was really nice, it had Swans on it, and i like Swans. I was too busy looking at the fountain that i felt like i bumped into someone, we both fell in the opposite direction.
"Ow..." I sighed, since i landed on my butt, and it hurt, then i realised what i had done.
"Oh my God, im so sorry!" I yelped, as i gained clear vision, i was staring at this yellow-haired girl, holding her head. I crawled towards her, trying to help her up.
"Oh thats okay, it was my fault. I wasn't looking at where i was going...sorry" she said smiling. As we got up, she held out her hand, " My names Temari, whats yours? " she asked still smiling. " My names (Y/N)..." I smiled back, and shook the hand she offered,
" so you're the new student huh? " Temari asked she knew about me, cool.
"Uh, yeah...i am" giving a lazy shrug, She smiled...
Well i suppose i have a new friend now, yes!
" So do you know your dorm room yet?" Temari asked me as i was just dusting myself off, " Uhm, no actually, i was to busy to ask...i wasn't signed into one yet." I told her, which made me remember how stupid i was for not asking anyone today...crap.
"thats okay, you can stay with me for the night if you want, i don't have a roommate yet, so i can share my room." She beamed at me, which took me totally by suprise, ~wow, she really is nice~ i thought. "Really? You would let me stay for the night!?" I exclaimed,
"Sure, we can be friends after all right?" She said, making me smile.
" Thanks a'lot " i said awkwardly, scratching the back of my head, " No Problem" she smiled back.
Well, this was turning out well, i thought as i followed her back into the dorm...finally, a friend.

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