Zeeion X Eugenie again

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"Zion! What about me, i'm SUPPOSED to be your girlfriend." A blonde female cried as a roomful of survivors sighed including the redhead she was whining about. "You aren't my anything Scarlett I've already told you this." Said Zion rather calmly while stealing glances at Eugene and Mc playing a game of checkers with bits of colored broken glass and a checkered blanket.

He laughed at how frustrated, yet still concentrated, the dirty blonde looked while trying to defeat his brunette opponent. Scarlett huffed in a vain attempt to steal Zion's amber gaze from its place on Eugene.

"Ha! I win again!" Mc's victorious cry rang through the classroom causing Eugene to moan in defeat. "Zion your turn, I wanna see if Geney can beat you." Mc stated with a playful glance at her ex-opponent.

Zion shrugged and started walking over to the makeshift gameboard with Scarlett falling behind his long strides. As he sat down he looked up to meet Eugene's competitive gaze.

"One takes all?" Eugene squeaked. "One takes all." Zion replied. Thus the game began with Zion getting the orangeish yellow bits and Eugene getting the strawberry red ones.


Sorry this is late and short I think I'll put my plan of updating once or twice a month into action being it's 2020 now...

Comments, suggestions, hate?


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