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It was a normal day, birds were chirping, vibes were vibin'. And I was doing my job and vibe checking. Let me introduce myself.

I am Jo.

Jo Mamma.
I'm just an average girl living it up in Florida and vibe checking. I'm part of the Vibe Police, everyday I go out vibe checking, except for Saturday's because Saturday's are for the boys and I be vibing.
Today it was Friday, and I'm vibe checkin' with my best friend Ben Dover. I put my long, shrek colored hair in a messy bun and stared at my electric blue orbs in the mirror. I shouldn't have had that Taco Bell last night, my stomach hurts like a b- my thoughts were cut off by my IPhone 11+ Ultra. It's Ben!
Ben: Get your Taco Bell infested ass to the car right now before I never take you to Olive Garden again
Jo: Sorry I'm on my way down rn, was having stomach issues
Ben: That's your fault, we're about to be late. Get tf down here right now
Jo: Look outside your window smart one
He looks up and sees me coming. I opened the door to the car and immediately hear the opening note to Welcome To The Black Parade. I cry a little, I miss MCR with my whole heart. Ben immediately changes the song to Megalovania, because he knows about my Mcr addiction.
"Took you long enough"
"Just drive, Benny"
"We got to pick up Nagito"
"I forgot, Kokichi and Sans crashed his car"
"That family is nuts, I'm surprised Sans and Nagito haven't divorced and put Kokichi up for adoption yet"
We continue our drive to Nagitos barn, where we see him standing up front. He sees us and kisses Sans cheek then heads over to the car.
" See, he knows how to not make me wait" Ben says, then we start our drive to to Vibe Check HQ.

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