But My Feelings

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"Yes, I know Saturday's are for the boys. But can't I go on a date with a boy? We can hang out next Saturday.." I said. I tried to sound confident while saying it, but in reality I'm a nervous wreck. How could I forget? Ben then replied with something I never thought he'd say to me, "You are a bitch. B-I-C-T-H", he seemed a little unsure of the spelling. But spellings never been his strong suit. Only vibes. "But what about my feelings, Benny? I've never felt this happy before. Just this Saturday. If you want you and the boys can come and keep an eye out for me! Just please let me have this one Saturday." He seemed to be contemplating my offer. I know he loves being involved in things, with his name and all. He let out a deep sigh, and finally...

"Alright. Fine, you'll go on your date. Me, Rhombus, and Nagito will all be on the sidelines making sure he doesn't hurt you. Man, you really do know how to get me on board with things, huh? By the way, why's this guys name?"

"I don't know, I've just been calling him 'Wonderful Vibe Guy'. He might've tried to tell me his name, but I was busy. I'll ask on Saturday."

"I hope you realize we're going to help you get ready."

"I know... montage?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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