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... can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cirrhosis of the liver as well as gout.

...contains antioxidants.

...was discovered in Ethiopia around A.D. 850.

... The most expensive coffee in the world is Indonesia's Kopi Luwak (civet coffee). It is made from coffee beans that have been eaten, partially digested, and then excreted by the Asian palm civet. They are selled for more than $600 a pound/$50 a cup. the world's most popular beverage after water. "Starbucks" was inspired by a character in the novel Moby Dick. The owners almost named their shop Pequod, after the whaling ship in the novel.

...can create hallucinations.

...beans come from berries thus making them a fruit.

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