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The started pair pul apart from the kiss and look at me like a deer in headlights.
"A-adalyn!" Lucas stares at me and stands up. Victoria smirks and sits up straight and covers her bare chest. She's so pleased. You're 16 why are you doing this? EW!
My heart is beating 100 miles per second and I feel like everything just collapsed. He was - I thought he was a good boyfriend.
"Save it, Lucas. We're over," I snap and turn around to walk away.
"See, Lucas, she doesn't love you," I hear Victoria. I laugh and agree with her comment.
I hear foot steps behind me and I look behind me to see Lucas in a pair of gym shorts.
"Babe, please don't leave," he begins to cry and stands in front of me.
I ignore his plea and say goodbye to his mom and ride home on my skateboard.
The tears don't hit me until I reach my bed and my face is buried in my pillows. First, Alexander is gone and then my boyfriend cheats on me. We made it official a month ago. How long has he been with Victoria? I hope her sister is nothing like her.
I text Brennin and Amanda 'code red' and everyone knows what that means, if they know girl language.
They both say they'll be over in a minute with ice cream, chick flicks, and candy. Candy meaning chocolate.
When they arrive they jump onto my bed and push me out of the bed.
"I can't believe Lucas did that!" Brennin exclaims and throws a chocolate bar at me.
"I can believe that Victoria did," Amanda says and pops a green skittle into her mouth.
"But, didn't you have feelings for Clay, too? Brennin asks.
I plop down on my pillow and don't answer her. Clay has a girlfriend. He played me the entire time. Just today, he was all over us. Or, was he really just wanting to be friends. I must be imagining things.
That kiss. Was it a joke? It wasn't to me. Why all of a sudden do I want to crawl to Clay? I really do ask too many questions.

"Brennin have you ever been cheated on?" I ask.

"Yeah, John Stephen cheated on me last year, but we stuck it through. I don't know what convinced me to get back with him. but I did." she frowns and sighs. Wow, I would have never thought that.
"Wow. Oh, I'm Amanda by the way," she smiles and greets Brennin.
"You're sadly Victoria's sister?" she asks Amanda.
"Sadly," Amanda laughs and eats more skittles.
"Do you wanna go over to the LaBrants ? Wait that's a stupid question, it's just that Sam is over there and they all wanna go swimming around midnight and have a bonfire," Amanda bites her lip and I can tell she immediately regrets asking me.
"What time would we go?" I suddenly have a burst of confidence and I'm not letting them break me.
"I'll ask," Amanda says an types away.
"Have they found anything on Alex?" Brennin asks.
I sigh. He's been missing for almost a month. We're almost in July. July 4th is just so fun. Alexander would have had fun.
"The cops said they haven't found anything. The case is beginning to grow cold, " I feel a tear slide down my cheek and I bury my face back into my pillows.
"Oh, Ady," Brennin coos and brushes my hair with her fingers .
"Uhm, they said to come around eleven," Amanda says and then notices my distraught state.
"Stop crying, Ads, I don't like seeing you like this," I can tell Amanda is about to cry.
"You guys are my squad," I randomly say and they start laughing.
"We should come up with names for each other like they did in Harry Potter," Amanda says and leans on her knees and supports her body with her arms.
I laugh at her enthusiasm and nod my head.
"You, Ady, will be our Cajie. Because you're from Louisiana," Brennin laughs.
I laugh and suggest dingy for Brennin, which gets a thumbs down. It was a joke anyway.
"Let's call you galaxy because you own so much galaxy stuff," Amanda says and Brennin nods her head. It's amazing how friends can cheer you up immediately.
"Now, Amanda we shall call you cheeky because you have cheeky cheeks!" I exclaim and fall off the bed.
"Oh my gosh, " she starts to laugh and helps me up.
"You are absolutely clumsy ," Brennin snorts when she laughs, which causes us all to laugh even harder. You wouldn't know that my brother is missing , I'm going through a breakup , and my heart is shattered by the looks of it. Every one can fake a smile.
By the time it reaches eleven, all three of us are in bikini's and we're headed off to the LaBrants. I probably won't go swimming due to last time. Oh, and don't forget we devoured all the candy and everything in sight.
When we arrive at the LaBrant household, my heart shatters even more. Tori and Clay hand in hand jumping into the pool.
"Hey, Sam!" Amanda smiles and gives the tall, muscular boy a hug.
"Hey Brennin and Adalyn," he waves over to us and gives us quick side hugs.
Tori looks to my direction and gives me daggers. What did I do? Oh your man is in love with me? Not my fault.
"ADYYY!" I hear a sort of high pitched scream and Cole is running towards me. I laugh and he picks me up and keeps running.
"Cole you're gonna trip!" I yell and laugh. Next thing I know, I'm back on my feet in front of Clay and Tori.
"Oh, hey Clay," I smile and wave. He rolls his eyes and puts his other arm around Tori.
"Hi, I'm Adalyn, nice to meet you ," I smile and hold out my hand and try to be nice.
"I'm Tori, Clay's girlfriend," she smiles and shakes my hand.
"Where's Lucas," Clay asks and gives me a look like this is payback. Why does everybody ask where he is?
"Currently in bed with Victoria," I snap and walk away from the couple .
That statement is probably true.
When it reaches about midnight, we're bundled up in towels and eating s'mores. Jack shoves a snore into my face and laughs.
"JACK THATS HOT!" I scream and wipe it off my face.
"Sorry, babe," he laughs. Everyone stops what they're doing and gives Jack a look.
"Guys I cal everyone babe, calm down ," he laughs nervously , trying to cover it up. They shrug their shoulders and I can't help but look over to Clay feeding Tori and s'more. If I wouldn't have rejected him, that would be me.
'If he wouldn't have been so mean I wouldn't have rejected him' , my subconscious adds.
I look down from the two and blow the fire off of my burnt marshmallow. Burnt marshmallows aren't that bad...
Can I stop directing my attention towards people who hurt me and just enjoy tonight ?

Authors Note:
23 CHAPTERS AND CLAY IS STILL STUPID! I write what comes to mind , man. The characters take over.
Lucas is going bye bye for a while. So no offense to Tori at all! I ship them tbh. They're so cute omg.
Anyway, I'm excited for chapters to come! I actually have planned a sequel and some pretty big things happen. But my goal of chapters for this book is probably maybe 35-50. Somewhere in that range.
Guys, maybe if for next chapter we could get
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I Found You // Clay LaBrantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora