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"WE'RE HERE!" Amanda yells and runs out of the car and onto the hot sand. I laugh at her antics and climb outside the car. Her blonde hair starts to blow back in the wind.

"I'm so excited!" Jazmine exclaims. Next thing I know, Jazmine is running up to Clay and latching onto his hairy leg.

"Get it of of me!" he screams playfully and tries to run away. I watch the slight chaos and begin to help my mother gather the beach chairs and bags. I make the decent down the sandy hill and find a good spot. For it to be uly 4th, not a lot of people happen to be here.

I set up a couple chairs before beginning to undress. I take off my tank top and shorts and I'm left with a two peice.

"Sexiii," I hear Amanda laugh and run towards me, already in her bikini. I swear somebody gave her sugar. I make a mistake and look up above Amanda.

Behind her is the toxic teenager who doesn't seem to have a single ounce of fat on his body. His shirt is off and his shorts hanging on his hips. He smiles and laughs with Chandler. Although he may make me mad most of the time, he is good looking. Although, I'd never admit that to anybody.

"Adalyn, you migt want to stop drooling," Amanda laughs and pushes me playfully. I glare at her before laying down on a blue beach chair. I need a tan if I'm going to live in Alabama in the summer. Anywhere in the summer, actually.

When I lived in Louisiana, I never really went outside, and so I was even whiter than I am now. I pull my hair back from my face and find my headphones from the bag lying next to me. Scrolling through my music, I put on one of my favorite songs.

Lips of an Angel by Hinder starts to play and I softly sing along. I honestly like this genre of music better than pop.

I close my eyes and soak in the sun. I feel something fall against my skin. It's almost like it's water. Water.

I look up and see a smiling clay in front of me. He squats down beside me and then I realize he has a bucket in his hand.

"Don't be a buzzkill, Adalyn." he pours the sticky ocean water on me, barely missing my phone.

I yelp from feeling the cold water and jolt up from my spot in the sand. Amanda grabs my phone from me and I stand up. Clay towers over me and laughs.

"C'mon, Adalyn. Come catch me!" he taunts me like a five year old and runs away, kicking sand behind him as he goes along.

Without thinking, I run after the teenage boy and dodge people sitting on towels. Clay looks behind me and laughs. Even though we fight constantly, I can't help but be attracted to him. But, he has Tori...

I stop running once I catch up to Clay. He stops running and wraps his arms around me. His skin wet against my hot skin.

In return, I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder. Our embrace is soon interrupted when rain begins to fall from the sky.

Clay pulls back from the hug and frowns. He grabs my hand and motions for me to run with him. We run for a while longer before an abandoned hut comes into view.

The rain begins to pour down even harder as we sit down on the dry sand. The sand isn't dry for long, as the rain falls through the cracks in the roof.

"Come here, you've got to be cold," he sighs and pulls me onto his lap.

"Clay, why are you being so nice?" I look up to him and his mouth is in a deep frown.

"Way to be blunt about things, Adalyn," he chuckles and holds me close. I don't know why I'm letting him hold me, but I let him.

"I don't know why I act to differently around you, Ady," I notice a new nickname from him.

"There has to be a reason, Clay. You're not even decent around me most of the time. You act like you can push me around when you're with your friends, but when you're alone with me, you act like you're my friend! I'm tired of you!" I scream at him.

"Ada-" I cut him off before he can continue.

"I don't care how sorry you are , because in all actually, you're not! I hate you Clay Labrant, I hate you with everything in me!" I hit his chest I get up from his lap.

I scream as a loud crack of thunder sounds through the shack. Clay walks up from behind me and makes me face him.

Without a single word from him, he places his lips onto mine.

I Found You // Clay LaBrantDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora