Chapter 2

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3:45 pm

Jackie sat in the corridor shaking, she desperately wanted Jack to be okay.
Then a doctor came through the double doors.

Jackie ran to him.

"Is he ok" Jackie asked

"Yes Mrs. Kennedy your husband has recovered just fine, but umm"

Just then some nurses pushes Jack through the double doors.

"JACK!!!!" Jackie cried as the wheeled Jack next to Jackie

Jackie started kissing Jack passionately. Jack pulled back.

"Jack, Bunny what wrong" Jackie said

"Nothing you just look beautiful today" Jack said smiling

Jackie blushed, "Thank you"

"There's just one problem" Jack said

"And what's that bunny" Jackie asked
kissing his nose

"Who are you?"

Who are you?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz